The timer

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You checked the timer on your wrist. 5 hours 22 minutes and 3 seconds until you met your soul mate. You had been born into a world in which everyone had a timer on their wrist counting down until it got to zero. When it got to zero it would make a beeping sound like an alarm clock and at that time someone who you have never met before's timer would also go off. Your sister had exactly the same time on her timer. You always hoped that didn't have the same person as you who was destined to be your soul mate, there had been a few cases on the news of things like that happening.
Also there are quite often times when people's timers stop which means their matches had died which was your worst nightmare.
You had dreaded the time of your timer going off since an awkward situation at school once when the headteacher walked into the classroom with the new boy and a girl named Claire's timer went off. They were both so embarrassed and the rest of the class teased them for ages.

You were going to a gig tonight with your sister, Sarah. You were seeing a band called The Strypes.


Before you new it you were at the gig, the support act had played and you were waiting for The Strypes to walk on stage. You checked your timer 3 minutes 13 seconds. You kept glancing at the door. In 3 minutes your future partner was going to walk into the venue.
"You nervous?" Sarah asked you.
You nodded. She gave me a sympathetic smile.
"me too, I'm kinda excited though." She smiled.
There was ten seconds to go. You and Sarah looked at each other then both looked at the door counting down in your heads. As you got to zero you were distracted by the cheers and claps from the crowd you looked up and saw Ross, Pete, Evan and Josh walk on stage. You quickly looked at the door but there was no one there. Shit! You missed them.
When you looked back at the stage something happened that shocked you so much you had to pinch yourself. As the crowd died down you could hear yours, Sarah's, Ross' and Pete's timers. Everyone turned and stared at us
"Sorry folks but the gig is gonna be delayed about half hour. Can you two girls please come backstage with us?" Pete said. The crowd moved forming a path for you to all walk down. You walked to the front, it was only a small venue so there was no barrier. Pete and Ross jumped off the stage and together the four of you walked backstage.
Some may say that this situation was a difficult situation seeing as you did not have proper proof to who was who's but from looking at them you and Sarah new exactly who was who's pair and so did Pete and Ross.
Ross and Sarah awkwardly hugged while Pete looked at you with a smirk and said "darling, I've been looking for you for a very long time." You then gave each other a massive hug and he even lifted you off your feet.
"I'm so lucky that my forever partner was so beautiful." He whispered.
"Your not to bad yourself." I smirked.

Hi. This is my first imagine in this book. It was inspired by a tumblr post I found which was also made into a fanfiction for a different fandom but I loved the idea of the timer so much that I decided to write my own story. Credit to the person who thought of the ideas.


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