what else can i do

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"I've been working on this experiment for months now, it's frustrating, I can't take no more of this, I need some positive results."
"I've been trying to make the connection between the two different types of blood (human and animal). Her life is at risk, every time I fail, i kill her more, I can't keep working on dead ends."
"Nothing is compatible with her blood, every sample is getting eaten by her disease. She only has me, me. Who am I?  I am a scientist, I make medicine, not miracles."

"I can't believe I did this to my sweet, baby girl, so fragile, so small, so innocent. I made her, killed her mother by doing so. Now because I have a large amount of chromosomes, than average she has to suffer in ways I couldn't bare, to live like that. But she does, she suffers everyday and I watch." 

"What kind of father carries on living, with their daughter slowing perishing every hour?"
"I've tried to make this work, I've been working days on end. My baby at home, becoming paler and weaker every hour that ticks by, I've made my choice. I can't allow my girl, my Sarah to go on, I've been thinking about this every time I kiss her burnt up fore head".
"I know it's wrong, but I can give her peace, instead of pain. I don't won't to choose between my girl living but suffering every second she does. Perhaps I could. I could let my fragile baby girl sleep in a world of happiness and peace for a life time".
"THAT'S IT, it's hard to admit, it's disturbing to say, think off. But the only way to save me girl is to put her at rest.
"I can let her have a painless death, for a peaceful life. I know I shouldn't be even thinking about trying to do this unspeakable thing to my own child, but what choice have they left me. They said she would only live till 4, if we were lucky, LUCKY. How dare they, a doctor, tell me that I am lucky to have my daughter for four years.
"Already I've done something even god would smite me for. For days I've had medicine with a simple poison, that will slowly slip my baby girl into her sleep of wonder, she won't have to worry bout the pain any more".
"I m going to let my baby sleep tonight, I can't live with her suffering, me and my baby girl. We're going to say hello to her mother, Elizabeth I love you, I am sorry my darling. I promised I'd keep our baby safe, I've tried with everything I have, now I must let go, I can't hold onto her no more. Please forgive me my love, I beg not god, but you for your forgiveness, this is the only way I know how to save our baby. We will see you soon my love".

(Just as the scientist was about to pack up his life in his satchel, a soft bang was coming from the beaten door.)
"DAD, dad, it's me, are you here, daddy" as Williams daughter stood on the other side of the door panting from her cold winters walk, she was shacking furiously, like a leaf being blown of an old oak tree, in mid autumn. As William opened the creaking door, he could not help but picture his daughter laying still in her bed, being happier sleeping, with her imagination taking her to places of wonder. Rather than living a life, as a person with no future.

"Darling, what are you doing here? You should be in bed? WHY have you come here?" Williams voice changed from soft to ridged, the longer he saw his daughter.

"Daddy, I was scared, I didn't want to stay at home with out you, you said you would be home early?" Sarah could see her father wasn't happy to see her, but she didn't won't to go home alone.
Nervously Sarah spoke, "dad, I am sorry I left the house, but I was scared".

"Darling, its fine. i am just worried, its too cold for you to be out and alone". William watched his shacking daughter, as he wrapped her in his coat, William's attention was forced towards the window, as it smashed to pieces, as William watched an injured bat flap around, he tried to catch the poor animal but as his attempts to direct the animal away from his lab failed, the injured bat knocked into William's equipment and its blood leaked into Sarah's sample as William finally caught the bat and put it in a cage, he was ready to clean up the mess, but curiosity got the better of him and he looked into the contaminated sample and found his curiosity growing as the two samples mixed together, it was tacking over Sarah's sample, it was some how making it better, stronger.

William speared no time in taken more blood from the bat, he had hope again, he had a chance. "Darling, i need you to be brave, i am going to take some blood, okay sweet heart" William was so full of hope, he was excited to see such an amazing, fast result, he went straight to testing, as he mixed the samples and saw once again, another positive result for the twenty third time.

"Ouch, daddy it hurts" Sarah clenched her hand and William reassured her by rubbing her fiery burnt up head, as he started his test.

William watched the colour come back to her face, faster than switching on a light. With nothing else left to do but watch, William felt him self becoming more and more curious, William feel asleep with Sarah tightly in his arms. He awoke to a screeching sound coming from his lab, as he left his daughter sound a sleep in his chair, William headed for the door, as the door creaked open, the lights flickered and William saw the injured bat flapping round the cage, looking for an exit. William lifted the cage and placed it in front of the broken window, as William placed his finger over the latch, the bat was ready to go, William wrapped his finger round the end and began to pull as the bat edged forward, William's ears were forced towards his office. "AAAAAGGGGHHHH" "DADDY" William raced into his office, he feel to his knees, scraping away the first layer of skin, as the pain went over him, he cradled his daughter screaming out in pain, " What's the matter, whats happened" William was trying to comfort her but every touch he made to her skin, seemed to send a shock through her body.

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