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Dear diary,
Today I Will be fine I will say I'm fine thanks to cover up the fact that I'm still really hurting inside after the accident, with my mom and dad both dying.

"Emma, let's go". Aunt Theresa said. "Coming" I yelled. It is my first day back and I'm not gonna cry. I got in the car and got dropped off at the entrance. I said bye and walked in as I did I saw Andi she was rambling on about her abuela saying she was psychic so I asked her to predict something about me. " I predict this year is gonna be kick ass. No more sad and dark times". Andi said. "Ok then".I said.

As we walked to our lockers maddie and three of the panther cheerleaders came up to Andi and I.

"How are you, is she alright?" Maddie asked Andi and I.

"I'm right here Maddie and I'm fine". I replied. She hugged me tight. "Ok, Maddie". I said straining my voice.

"Oh sorry well see you at practice". Maddie said in a high pitched voice, before walking away with the Panthers. "No comment I tell Andi". She agrees. As we get our stuff I turn and my eyes locker with my ex boyfriend, Diego Rueda. I waved and he turned back to his locker.

"He hates me ". I tell Andi. "No that's the, you dumped me and I'm too cool to show it but secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's  greatest hits, look". Andi said. "Sure". I replied. As Andi and I were walking to class Andi stopped us by the office.

"Whoa, who is this?" Andi asked. "All I see is back". I chuckled. "That's a hot back". Andi replied and we laughed. As Andi was still looking at the boy, I spotted my brother Elliot going in the bathroom with eye drops.

"I'll be back". I told Andi. "Ok" she replied. I walked into the bathroom after Elliot. "Really Eli it's the first day of school and your already stoned". "Whoa you need to chill yourself". Elliot replied.

"Chill myself?!  Is that stoner talk, dude you are so cool". I replied sarcastically.

"Where is it?  Is it on you?" I asked. "Em get off my back". Elliot growled. I finally found it.

"Look Eli, this Is not what you have to live for". I said holding up the weed. "You don't fucking know me" He snapped.

"Look Elliot, I know how you feel about mom and dad but this is not the way to go with your life. You have to move on" I lectured.

" Whatever, Em go live your perfect little life. The one where you're delusional and sit in the cemetery writing in your diary and talking to mom and dad" Eli laughed bitterly. "Is that supposed to be you moving on?" He then walked out.

I sat in the bathroom thinking over what he said before storming out. As I walked out, I ran into the boy from the office.

"Sorry". We both said at the same time. "Umm, is this the men's room?" He asked confused. "Oh yea, I was just.... It's a long story...." He nodded in understanding.

"Oh, okay." He said as he waved. I headed out to history class I sat beside Andi. A few moments settled in and she texted me.

Andi:Em Hawt-e staring at you.

I looked up and saw the boy staring at me. I blushed.

History ended and I walked to the cemetery. I Searched for the grave stone when I found it. Here lies Francisco and Maria Alonso.

I sat in front of the stone and wrote in my diary.
Dear diary,
I made it through today I must have I'm fine, thank you like 100 times. And I didn't mean it once.

I closed my diary and saw a crow fly on my parents grave. "Shoo". I yelled. It flew away then I turned around to walk home when I saw the same crow. I gasped and fog started to surround me. I started to run, and tripped I heard a twig snap so I got up and ran faster. As I was running I ran into someone, I looked up and saw the boy from Earlier.

"Are following me?" I questioned.

"No". He replied.

"Oh so you just happened to be in the cemetery at the same time I am?" I sarcastically questioned.

"No, I have family here". He replied. Instantly guilt rushed over my face.

"I'm so sorry, it's just there was fog, and it was making me all foggy. And a crow and everything was very Hitchcock from there, that is the movie, Hitchcock right?" I asked.

"Yea". He replied.

"I'm rambling aren't I?" I asked.

"Yea, but it's cute". He said. I smiled.

"I'm Emma." I introduced.

"Daniel." He smiled

"I know, we have history together."

"And English and French" He added on with a charming smile. He pulled a leaf out my hair, and I noticed the large ring on his finger. "That's a interesting ring."

"Um, yeah. It's kind of tacky isn't it?" He said as played with it.

I shook my head. "No I'm just saying, there's rings, and then there's that." I slightly chuckled. "What's the story behind it?"

"It was passed down into the family. Originally from the Italian Renaissance." I hummed in interest when suddenly he looked concerned.

"Did you hurt your self?" He asked.

"What?" I asked, confused. "Did you hurt your self?" He asked again.

"Umm". I lifted up my long uniform skirt and looked at my bleeding knee. "Well if you look at that. That is not pretty." I said.

"You should go, uh, take care of that". He said.

"No really it's fine". I say while looking up. He was gone.

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