Sickness and School

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A\N: The girlnin the cover is basically her except idk who the real person credit to them..

Nagine sat at the end of her bed watching Finding Nemo am texting a friend of hers, her name was Amber.

Amber:So you feeling at better Nagi?

Nagine:No just sitting her watching Disney movies how's school???

Amber:Good gtg, lunch is over, Bye!

Nagine:Bye Amber!

Nagine put her phone down, sure she was sick but she still wanted to do things. The one thing she wanted to do most was swim, she LOVED to swim, but she couldn't she was sick, Then she got a text from someone she hardly knows.

Nagisa:Hi Nagine-chan Your friend gave me your number so I could make sure you fine! Get well soon!

Nagine didn't reply she just sat her phone down and moved her green bangs out of her face.

Nagisa went down stairs an got the cup of iced coffee from star bucks she had an went back upstairs leaving her door open.Nagine put in the movie How To Train Your Dragon, It was one of her favorites, other than the princess ones.

"Shoot! I had swim practice today...." Nagisa said looking at the time on her phone.

1:05 PM, she was still sick ad her mom wouldn't let her go anywhere."Hey Mom! Can I Still Go to Swim Practice??" Nagine asked moving her bangs out of her face again.

"No Hun Your Still Sick! Want anything to eat?" Her mom asked walking into Nagines room.

"Um Frye's and another iced coffee please?" Nagine asked.

"Alright wanna go with me?" Her mom asked.

"No I'm gonna stay here."Nagine replied.

"Ok..." Her mom said walking out of Nagines room.

Nagines phone buzed, It was the same boy.

Nagisa:Hi! Doing any better?? Im just worried you might not make it to practice Nagine-Chan.

Nagine:Um...ya I can't come still pretty sick :(

Nagisa:Aw ok...Hope you get better :D

Nagine turned her phone off and layer in her bed, by now it was almost 2:00 school was letting out right about now.Nagine fell asleep on her bed with a movie playing.


When Nagine woke up it was already night, she wet down stairs and got some food, she looked at her phone 20 unread messages from Amber...

"20?? Dang....last time she got to 30 why n-"Nagine stopped when she was Nagisas texts...

"Why does he keep texting me? I don't even know him." Nagine said sitting back on her bed with some food and brushed her green bangs out of her hair.

Nagine looked at the clock 4:00 AM..She was feeling some what better, enough to go to school. Her mom was up, She worked at the school but her mom stayed home with her while Nagine was sick.

"Hey mom! Do you think I could go to school today?" She asked

"Ya if your feeling alright then you can go. If you want you could ride the bus with Amber, you just have to meet up with her at the bus stop." Her mom replied.

"Ok thanks!!" Nagine said going up the stairs.

Iwatobi Highschool, is where Nagine went to school. Nagin loved it there no better place.

She came down stairs with her blue and white backpack and she was wearing a green hoodie shirt and jeans. "So, Amber said she'll meet me there in 20 minutes I'm gonna go now. Bye see ya at Iwabito." Nagine said heading out the door.

"NAGI!!!!" Amber yells giving Nagine a big hug.

"Hi, question who's Nagisa?" She asked.

"Oh he's a boy on the swim team. He has three more friends on the same team, Haruka Matoko and Rei." Amber replied.

"Ah ok. So when's the bus supposed to come?" Nagine asked.

"8 minutes, I have to wait alone sometimes. It sucks."

"I'll try to wait with you when I can, So what about the bus driver?" Nagine said smiling.

"Oh him...Its like he's blind! He slames on the breaks and when you hit the seat it HURTS! I don't like him." Amber said laughing.

Nagine burst out laughing, "He can't be THAT bad." Nagine said plying withna neckless she had.

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