Embarrassment part 2

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Nagines POV:

I stood there looking down, my eyes shut. I sat down knowing what i did, I was Ticked off....

"Eh Sorry Nagi.." Amber said looking at me.

Yep...That did it...She done ticked me off bader.

Ambers POV:

She gave me something more scarier then the look.. it was like im gonna kill you look, never gottan one of those before..

Im gonna kill you look~ Something Nagine gives you when you ticked her off so bad she yells....She never yells...EVER! Note to self:NEVER TICK HER OFF!!!!

YaI'm scared now...She could be plotting my death..

"Sorry Nagi i didnt mean to make you mad i was just playing w-"

"Shut the frick Up!" She said holding back yelling.

The whole table was looking at her, She hardly gets mad or yells...So dont get on her bad side..

"Hey Nagisa we should leave" I heard Haru wisper to him.

I shook my head rapidly mouthing No no no don't do you wannanlive????

"If you move an she's ticked off she'll punch you...She's actually really nice but she just got over being sick and stuff." I whisper shouted to him.

They nodded but Nagisa was just looking at Nagine, he seemed worried.

Nagisas POV:

I knew she was ticked off but she seemed sad, The bell rang she got up threw her lunch away and just headed out, not saying a word..

"Hey Nagine-chan, Are you ok?" I asked running up to her.

She didn't say anything just glanced at me...She's probably a bit shorter than me, her icy cold blue eyes were bright. She stopped then I stopped.

"What do you want?" She asked.

Her voice was sweeter than in the lunch room. Maybe Amber was lying about Nagine, she has to be, Nagines voice was sweeter than any I've ever heard.

"You just seemed mad at Amber and I was wondering if you were ok.." I told her.

Her eyes shifted to look at her, she has beautiful eyes.

"I'm not mad at Amber I just made a fool of my self...." She replied actually looking at me, She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Ok..What's your classes?" I asked and she handed me a paper of her classes, we had the same, along with Haru-chan Rin-chan Rei-chan and Matoko-chan.

She smiled and continued walking not saying anything.

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