Costume (Cecil x reader)

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Everybody was gathered in the living room for the special event tomorrow. The STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT are planning to have a Halloween party for kids! It was Reiji and Otoya's idea and everybody agreed even though some of them are not good with kids. Everybody went to their seperate ways but later they came back again except Cecil. guess what, they're gonna surprise Cecil in the Halloween event. You are with Cecil, trying to distract him while the others are making a plan to throw him a birthday surprise.

The next day, Cecil was happy to be with you today since you are very busy with your work that you have no time to have a date with him. And now, since you're done with work, you can finally have your date with the Agnapolis Prince.

"Cecil, can I ask you something?" You asked turning to the prince, he gave you his prince charming smile that you wanted to see every day. You blushed at him and giggled.

"(Your name), guess what day today is!" You looked up to the ceiling pretending that you're thinking.

"Today is the Halloween event!" Cecil blinked and laughs slightly. He began to think that his own girlfriend has forgotten his birthday, but he doubt that because he knows you wouldn't forgot his birthday... Not even once...

"I meant.... A special day today..." He said.

"A Halloween party for the kids!" You said smiling at him. Cecil's heart began to shattered into pieces, though that you forgot about his birthday.

"Oh yeah! Let's go shopping some costumes, both of us don't have a costume to wear." You said, dragging your Agnapolis Prince to the costume shop. Cecil just smiled and lets you drag him to the store. You pull out a vampire costume for Cecil, "how about this Cecil? I bet it looks good on you!" You said, shoving the costume to Cecil and pushed him in the fitting room.

"(Y-your name)!" You just grinned at him and closed the door. Cecil sighed and looked at himself on the mirror before putting the costume on. You leaned on the wall, in front of the fitting room, waiting and excited to see Cecil in a vampire costume. You heard the fitting door opened. You lift your head and look at Cecil from head to toe.

"Well?" Cecil asked. You shook your head and said 'nah', Cecil chuckled and walked back inside the fitting room, "I'll go get another Cecil, be right back!" He replied with a yes and you went to go get another costume for him to try it on.

You felt a vibration in your pocket. You pulled out your phone and answered the call "Yeah, I think the plan is working! Sure... Make sure everything is settled for tomorrow, bye!" You hang up and a huge smile was planted on your face.

You came back several costumes on your arms "Cecil~ here are the costumes!" You said. Cecil opened the door and your cheeks began to turn slight pink as you saw Cecil with you his shirt.

"C-ce-ce-Cil...." Cecil blinked and tilt his head to the side "What is it (your name)." You shoved the costume on his chest. "Wha--" you didn't let him finish and closed the door.

You face kept getting hotter and hotter as you keep recalling Cecil's body "damn it (your name)! Stop thinking about Cecil's bare chest, your turning into a pervert!" You thought, you slapped your cheeks softly.

Cecil came out wearing the last costume that was given to him, he turned the knob and opened the door "(Your name), is this okay?" You turned to the Agnapolis Prince. Once again, your cheeks turned pink again as you stared at his costume.

"Is this okay?" Cecil asked adjusting his collar, you just stared at him with your mouth open. Cecil chuckled and closed your mouth by lifting your chin "A fly will fly into your mouth~" he said, grinning.

You closed you mouth and you looked at you prince from head to toe. Gawking again that the prince costume really fits him, well of course he's a prince but this is the first time wearing an actual prince costume. You mostly saw him wearing casual clothes.

"Let's buy this one..." You said with a straight face and went to the cashier to pay it.

You went back to the dorm with Cecil who is now wearing the costume, the place was already set up for the Halloween party with the kids plus the birthday surprise for you prince.

Of course you bought a costume for yourself as well, you don't want to be out of place. You went to the changing room, changing from your usual clothes to your (insert costume). Applying make up that would fit your costume.

Cecil waited for you outside the changing room "(Your name) hurry up! The party is about to start" he said as he knocked on the door. You opened the door and smiled at him.


The kids began to enter the party hall, Otoya and Reiji's eyes filld with excitement and went to play with the kids. Later Reiji clapped his hands three times, getting the children's attention "Alright kids, when Cecil-nii comes in... Let's jump and say Happy Birthday to him because today its his birthday!" The kids said yes in unison. The other members just laughed and stood there. Otoya switched off the lights and waited for Cecil.


You covered your prince boyfriend's eyes with a handkerchief "Eh? Why are you blindfolding me (Your name)?" Cecil asked. You didn't answer his question but giggled. You guide him to the party hall carefully not to make him hit something.

You opened the door of the party hall and you pulled him inside slowly to the center. "Wait here..." You said, leaving the clueless prince in the center of the party hall.

"You can take of your blindfold now," you said. As Cecil quickly removed his blindfold, he saw darkness around him. He looked around, adjusting his eyes to the darkness. Suddenly, a light was turned on and confetti pours on him.

"Happy Birthday Cecil-nii!" The kids wearing a costume greeted him with a huge happy smile on their cufe faces. Cecil blinks and looked at his band mates.

"Happy Birthday Cecil!" His band mates greeted.

"Happy Birthday my Prince Cecil~" you greeted hugging him from behind. He grinned and turned around to hug you tightly "I thought you forgot my birthday..."

"Silly, why would I forget my princey boyfriend's birthday?" You giggled and kissed his cheek. You heard an "aww"-ing from the kids. You totally forgot that you and him are in the middle of the part hall, surrounded by little kids. You blushed in embarrassment. Cecil chuckled as he lift your chin and went to touch your lips with his. In other words, he kissed you. In front of the kids.

You heard the kids squealing and giggling how cute you and Cecil are. You slap Cecil cheek lightly "not in front of the kids!" You whisper yelling. Cecil couldn't stop chuckling at your cute reaction and kissed the tip of your nose

"Let's start the Halloween party!" Reiji shouted and throws the candy at the kids.

You and Cecil just laughed at each other.


Yuki: here's Cecil X Reader

Fuyumi: for Halloween special! I know Halloween its over so forgive us if we update the Halloween special oneshot late. Oh and Belated Happy Birthday Cecil!

Yuki: Belated Happy Birthday Cecil!

Cecil: thanks! Even though my birthday is done! Also I thank people who greeted me in advance!

Yuki: *laughs* Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this Halloween special oneshot made by yours truly.

Fuyumi: well that's all we have to say. I hope you enjoyed the oneshot! See ya soon! *waves*

Yuki: BaiBai~

Cecil: bye! *waves*

"Next oneshot: Jealous!Ranmaru x Reader!"

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