2. This is who I am

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Chapter 2. Zayn

First day of school.. Which mean first day of freaking hell.. I sighed as beeping kept going through my head. "Zaynie! Wake up" I heard Liam laugh as he threw a pillow at me. "Don't ever call me that!" "Fine. Gosh" Liam rolled his eyes and ran down the stairs. I know he's trying to be nice to me but he doesn't know me. I think he's scared of me at times but others he just is freaking annoying. I just don't know how to describe him.. He's caring, cute, great eyes. What?.. He's my brother.. I should hate him.. I sighed as I got out of bed. "Zayn! Come and eat" my dad yelled. I shuffled down the stairs and Liam was sitting in the living room with this blond hair lad. I wanted to sit by him at breakfast.. Not have this guy come here. I started to make a fist but I saw my dad looking at me. I growled and ran back up stairs. What was that? Jealously? No.. Just nothing.. I'm just tired. Maybe I can just grab a apple before I leave... I slipped on a black tee with white writing that read 'Fuck you.' With my white ripped pants. I grabbed my beanie and just shoved my hair into it. Some of it was sticking out but I didn't care. It hid my ears so no one can see my weird earrings. I checked myself in the mirror one last time and when I was about to open the door the door swung open. "What was that" my dad about yelled. "I didn't want to eat." "It looked like you were gonna punch someone Zayn! I know what happened with your mum-" "Don't talk about it dad. I'm gonna be late" I growled and headed towards the door. My dad grabbed my arm and swung me around, "What happened to your mum wasn't your fault!" "FUCK OFF MARK" I yelled and ran down stairs. I grabbed my shoes and bag then ran outside. Don't cry Zayn.. Don't cry.. "Zayn" I heard Liam behind me. "What did you learn about following me outside Payne" I yelled and didn't turn around. "Here's an apple.." Liam carefully threw the apple on the grass right at me. I didn't turn around until he was gone. I heard the door close. I grabbed the apple and walked to school. I just need to avoid him.. I need to hang out with Josh and Louis and everything will be alright. I will still be the bad boy I always will be and he will just be a nobody. Just me against the world. Nothing can stop me. I put my head phones in and just listened to my music. Maybe I can skip the first day.. But then I can't pick on the new kids and tell them who's boss. Yeah, what fun would that be?


"Zayn" Louis smiled at me as I walked into the school. He was wearing his normal, black tank that showed all his tattoos, black pants and chains on them with his red beanie. "Vas Happening" I laughed and put my arm around Louis. "Have you seen Josh?" As soon as Louis asked that there was Josh. He changed. All his tattoos were black and white, bigger wholes in his ears, really dark brown hair in a quiff, this lip piercing. And he was wearing just black pants with a bunch of chains and black top plus shoes. "Josh! What happened?" "Let's just say I had time with my brother" Josh laughed and looked at us. "Is that a nose ring" I laughed and poked his nose. "Yeah. Mum's idea actually" Josh shrugged and slammed his locked door. "So what you two do this summer?" "Parties and things" Louis laughed. "Legit. How about you Zayn?" "Mostly moving" I sighed, "But got to pick on some little kids around the park" I shrugged. "Awesome" Josh laughed and high five me. "Yep" I smirked. "Alright, first thing of the day- gays" Josh pointed at Liam and that blond kid. "How about nerds" I pointed to the geeks. I don't want to hurt Liam. Not on his first day. Please.. don't let Josh hurt Liam.. "Come on Zayn! What's the fun with that! We pick on them everyday" Louis rolled his eyes. "Yeah but-." "You like the gay's or something Zayn" Josh eyed me. "Josh he is gay" Louis looked at Josh. "True." "But still.. They're goody goodies. C'mon Zayn!" I sighed and nodded.. Josh quickly pushed the blond guy on the lockers. "Hey fag" Josh laughed. "Leave him alone" Liam tried to pull Josh off of the blond lad. Josh simply just laughed at Liam and pushed him down. Louis was at Josh's side the whole time. I didn't know what to do.. Hurt my brother and hear it at home or help my boyfriend and Josh.. Liam looked at me. "Zayn! Do something" Liam yelled. Josh and Louis's eyes quickly shot at me. "You know this kid?" "No.. I mean.." "What really have YOU been doing Zayn" Josh let go of the blond lad and just looked at me. "He's my brother, alright?!" "Are you sure Zayn..?" "He's sure Josh! God you have a brother too!" Louis pulled him away from me. "Whatever" Josh growled and walked away. The bell than rang. Louis ran to class. The blond guy was sitting in pain and Liam was sitting by him. I just walked away and let them there.. Maybe I should of just said nothing.


I wanna sit with Liam but Josh keeps waving me over to his table. I started to walk towards Josh and I saw Liam sigh. I sat down next to Louis. "Hey" Louis smiled and pecked my cheek. "Hi" I said in like a whisper. "So I got detention today. Who wants to join me" Josh rolled his eyes and tossed his paper on the table. "What you do now" I laughed and bit into my apple that Liam gave me earlier. "Talked back to a teacher. She was like Josh do you know the answer? And I was like uh No. And she's like why not? and then I was like ask someone else. And yeah" Josh laughed. "Great story" I rolled my eyes and tossed my apple into the trash. There was this girl staring at me. I waved and she giggled. I rolled my eyes once more and looked at Josh. "So anyways, when are you mum and dad not gonna be home Zayn??" "She's not my mum... and this weekend" I shrugged. "Alright, then we can have the party there" Louis smiled at me. "What? But Liam will be there?" "So. Just make sure he's not a mama's boy" Josh laughed. "Alright" I coked out. "Legit" Josh slapped my back as the bell rang. "I have a free period.. What do you have next?" "Same" I smiled. Louis smirked and took my hand. I entwined our fingers as we walked up the stairs of the school to the garden. Only me and Louis knew about the garden. Mostly cause we make out there.. We don't mind the flowers. We just sit on the bench and make out pretty much.. I giggled as Louis brought me up the steps. Louis sat me on the bench and wrapped his leg around my waist. He kissed me and I kissed back. His hand going through my hair and my hand wondering on his back. His tongue went into my mouth and explored my mouth. Sometimes our tongues glide together but it didn't matter. Our lips moving in sync, forceful. I heard a cough behind us but I didn't pay attention. I kept kissing Louis. "Mr Tomlinson, Mr Malik! My office now!"


"Skipping class on the first day! What the hell Zayn" My dad sighed while driving me and Liam home. "It was a free period Dad" I sighed. I was sitting in the front with my dad and Liam was just sitting in the back. "Still! I don't want you to hang out with that guy anymore." "Dad he's my boyfriend! How can you stop me!" "You can't stop true love sir. Even if you try they will always fight back" Liam said in about a whisper. "Thank you! C'mon dad!" "Fine Zayn. But if I catch you missing class again you'll never see him again" my dad sighed as we pulled into the drive way. My dad stormed out of the car and left me and Liam. "I don't know why you act like this" Liam looked at me as he undid his buckle very slowly. "Liam you don't know me! This is who I am! And if you don't understand that, well FUCK OFF" I yelled at Liam. Liam sighed and ran inside. Great, now everything is gone..

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