8. Dad

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Chapter 8. Zayn

"Excuse me" Liam smiled at the lady at the desk. "Yes?" "Do you have any files on Trisha Malik?" "I'm sorry were not aloud to give out files" the lady looked at me and Liam oddly. "But she's dead.. It's not like she's gonna know.." "He means it's his mum and he just wants to know why she did what she uh did" Liam gave me a look. I shrugged and sat down somewhere to wait for Liam. Liam thought it was a good idea to spend the weekend trying to find out why my mum jumped. He just wants me to know it wasn't me. I love him for doing this but do I really need to know. "C'mon. I got it" Liam smirked and handed me the file. "Just like that?" "I explained to her that your her son. She had to look through your records to make sure you were sure and yeah. I got it" Liam laughed. I hugged Liam and smiled. "Can we read it in the car? I don't really want my dad to know.." Liam nodded and took my hand. Me and Liam walked out of the hospital and to the car. I got in and Liam took the file. Liam opened it. There were a couple of papers. Not a lot. "3 papers.. 1 is nothing to us. The other one is another nothing. But the 3rd one.. You should read it." I took the paper. It was writing by my mum's doctor about my mum. I looked at the date and it was 3 days before my mum got out of the hospital and killed herself.. "Can you read it" I looked at Liam. He nodded and took the paper back. "Trisha has been here for 3 or so weeks. She's mostly been sleeping or crying. She has only told me that what she was gonna do when she got home was breath taking. I remember seeing her crying as he walked in the room.." Liam then stopped and looked at me. "He? As in your dad.." I shrugged. "Did you see your mum when she was there?" "No.. Only because my dad thought it would make her worse" I sighed. Liam nodded and kept going, "I don't know what happened between them when he came but when I walked back in she was asleep.. On the day she went home he picked her up. Before she went she cried about her son Zayn and how he should of never been part of this. How he should of just killed her already" Liam quickly stopped when he noticed I was crying. "Zayn.. It's okay" Liam wiped away my tears and the tears that were forming. "Is that all?" "There's a half missing.." "What?" I looked at the paper and the writing ends with 'she.' "Fuck" I mumbled and sunk down in my seat. "Let's get home yeah" Liam smiled and started the car. I nodded and just looked out the window as we drove home. I don't want to think about this but that's all that keeps coming in my mind.. I sighed as I leaned my head on the cold window and watching the rain drops fall down the window. All I could feel was tearing forming and running down my face. I didn't look at Liam or he would notice. I just stayed quiet..


Me and Liam walked inside and my dad and Liam's mum was sitting on the couch. "Where were you two" my dad looked at me. "Places" I sighed and slipped off my shoes. "It's only 6am! Why would you guys be up that early?!" "We were up at 3am.." "Liam!" "Sorry Zayn" Liam smirked as he looked at the floor. "Where were you? Answer me" my dad stood up. I backed up and fell on Liam. "We went some where. God" I looked at my dad. Liam had his arms wrapped around my arms to make me not punch him. "We went to a hospital." Liam sighed when he said that. I took Liam's arms off of me and tried not to look at anyone. "Why" I heard my dad sigh. "To see my friend. He broke his arm and I wanted to see him. I don't have a car so I asked Zayn to drive me" Liam made up a lie. "You couldn't tell me that" my dad nudged my arm. "Sense when do you care?" "Zayn" Liam's mum looked at me with a surprised look. "You never care" I mumbled as I walked upstairs. I heard someone walking behind me. "Liam go away" I felt my eyes start to tear up again. "Zayn don't do this. Just stop" Liam sighed. "Do what Liam?! I told you what happened. If you say i'm being to mean then you need to life what I have been through!" I saw the tears start to hit my shirt. "I know I know.." Liam held out his arms for me and I crashed myself into him. I cried into his shirt. We about fell down the stairs but Liam kept us up. "Zayn can I talk to you" I heard my dad growl from behind us. I looked at my dad without letting go of Liam and I could see fire in my dad's eyes. I nodded and Liam let go. He kissed me on the head and walked down stairs. I walked into my room and left the door open for my dad. I sat on my bed and he came in the room. He closed the door behind himself and looked at me. "You told him?" "I told him cause I love him" I laughed. "It's not funny Zayn. He could ruin everything for me and her!" "Well you ruined it for yourself." "Why do you do this! You make it so hard for me to have something nice" he looked at me. "You did this. Your the one who has the past. I don't have a past just that my fucking mum died cause of my dad!" "And why did you tell him? For you can ruin everything again?" "I told you. I love him" I looked at him. "You don't love him Zayn! He's your brother." "He's more than my brother. He's my everything. And if you don't understand that get out!" "Whatever. Just don't think it's gonna work" my dad growled as he walked out of the room. God! Why does he have to do this?! I threw a pillow across the room and cried. I sunk down on the floor and cried. This day can not get any better..


I woke up to Liam sitting on me. "Li! What the hell" I yawned and tried to push him off. "You told your dad about us?" "Yeah.. So?" "Just wondering" Liam laughed and jumped off of me. He laid down next to me and smiled. "You dad left.. So I was wondering if we can tell my mum about your dad.." "Liam" I sighed and put my head in a pillow. "C'mon! If we tell her then they won't get married next week" Liam shook me. "Which means we can be together" I smiled at Liam. Liam nodded. "Let me wake up first." I snuggled up next to Liam. My head was on his chest and my leg was in between his. I could feel his warmth on my body. Liam was making circles in my back and lightly kissing my head. "I love you" I heard Liam mumble. "I love you too" I smiled into Liam's chest. I heard a knock on the door. I simply pushed Liam off of me and tried not to laugh. Liam's mum walked into the room and looked at Liam on the floor. "Hi" Liam laughed. "Why are you on the floor" she laughed. "I fell out of bed" Liam smirked at me. I blushed but tried to hide it. "So Liam you said you wanted to talk to me" his mum sat on Liam's bed. "Yeah. We do.. It's about Mark" Liam scratched his neck. "Are we gonna tell her about us" I whispered to Liam. He nodded. I sighed and sat back. Liam got up and sat next to me on the bed. "So what about him..?" "He used to abuse my mum.. Have you heard that my mum died?" "Yes.. But I didn't know why" she looked at me. "She killed herself cause my dad hurt her so much. I don't want this for you Mrs Payne. If my dad says differently don't believe him. I was there when she jumped he wasn't" I felt a tear come and Liam wiped it away. I cuddled up next to Liam and sighed. "Are you guys joking" she looked in shock and I could see fear. "No mum.." "Thanks for uh telling me.." "Please don't tell him I told you! Just if you gonna break up with him make an excuse.. I don't wanna know what would happen to me" I mumbled. She nodded and started to walk out. "Wait mum!" "Yes?" "Uh me and Zayn are dating" Liam looked up at her. She didn't say anything. "Really?" Liam laughed and nodded. "Well at least you two can have an amazing love life" Mrs Payne winked. "You'll find someone. Trust me. Just not my dad" I sighed. "Thanks Zayn" she laughed and walked out. "Well that was easy" Liam looked surprised. "Cause you just so freaking hot" I laughed and kissed Liam.


Liam I believe fell asleep so I decided to take a walk in the rain. The rain is a amazing thing. It makes me think someone is just crying. Wow, that sounds so weird. I stepped in a puddle and I felt my shoes get all wet. I sighed but kept walking. I looked down at the puddle and saw the rain drops falling into the puddle. I don't know why but rain is just something I like to watch. Then someone ran into me. I turned around and saw Louis. "Zayn?" "Lou?" Louis hugged me. I didn't put my arms around him I just let him hug me. "How yeah been?" "Good I guess.. You?" "Awesome" Louis laughed. "So what you up to" I sighed while trying to get out of this conversation. "Just running around you?" "Just taking a walk" I smirked. "Seems fun." "Yep" I sighed. "I miss you" Louis looked up at me. "Don't start Lou.." "I'm being serious. I know what I did was wrong. I know you didn't want it. I was stupid!" "Your not stupid" I laughed. "Yeah but you hate me.." "I don't hate you.. I though you hated me.." "No. Just I hate the things you do to me" Louis winked. "Louis" I laughed. "Sorry. You had it coming" Louis laughed and smiled. "I better get going.. Dad will be home soon" I sighed. I walked passed Louis but he pulled my arm which forced me to spin around. There was no space between me and Louis. Our foreheads were pressed together. Louis kissed me. I didn't know what to do. I did the most stupidest thing ever.. I kissed back. But then I felt how wrong this was. I pushed Louis away and ran away. I bumped into someone. "Sorry" I mumbled. "Zayn.." I looked up and there he was.... "I-"

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