Until Next Year

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Surprisingly Kyungsoo was the first to get up, he quietly stood up glancing at Jongin who was still fast asleep. As he entered the kitchen to clean he found the mail and searched if his pay check had come.
To his surprise he saw Jongin's Military Notice letter. He opened the letter to check when he was being enlisted:

February 25 2012

"That's only 2 weeks away"
Kyungsoo sat on the table in distress.. "He's leaving me again."

As soon as Jongin woke up, he found the sheets beside him we're wrinkly and empty. He stood up in search for Kyungsoo.

As he entered the kitchen he found his Military Enlistment letter opened on the table. Jongin started to panic. "What if he gets mad? What if he leaves me??"
Kyungsoo's voice is heard out of the blue. "I won't leave you.."
Kyungsoo's arms found its way around Jongin's waist, his cheeks we're pressed on Jongin's chest.
"I left you once, and I'm not doing it again." Jongin's head laid on Kyungsoo's head as he wraps his arms around him. "I'll be back in no time. Till then please watch our house for me.." "Our?" Kyungsoo looked up from below Jongin's jaw.
"Our." Jongin pressed a soft kiss on Kyungsoo's forehead and then on top of his head. "I promise to write to you every day." Kyungsoo's eyes started watering making his vision blurry. "You really promise?" Jongin softly smiled. "I promise."
"You can't die okay?" Jongin bursted into laughter. "Who am I?"
"What kind of a question is that?"
"I'm Kim Jongin remember? I Promise I won't." Jongin looked at the finger tips of Kyungsoo's hands and saw the Engagement ring was back on. "Hey, why did I feel like you we're avoiding me then?"
Kyungsoo released his grip around Jongin's waist. "I had to make a decision. But it's all over now, and what's important is that I chose you." Jongin was confused but, still relived with the answer he got.
"I love you Kim Jongin." Jongin pressed his lips on Kyungsoo's. Tears ran down Kyungsoo's face as Jongin passionately kissed him. soon after they finally released the heated kiss panting. "I love you too."

The two spent the last 2 weeks together, making new memories. Kyungsoo took a vacation from work and spent every second with Jongin. On the day Jongin was leaving they promised each other they would write letters to each other every day for the next 2 years they weren't able to see each other. And so they did. Although Jongin was very busy training, every night before he'd go to bed Jongin would take his time writing letters to Kyungsoo. The next day, Jongin received Kyungsoo's mail. He opened the letter with excitement.

"Dear Jongin,
Have you been well? I hope your eating properly! I promise you, once you return I will make you a huge feast! The house is so lonely without you.. I miss you so much! Thanks for leaving me with your insane roommate Oh Sehun, by the way! He's driving me insane with the messes he's making!! Remember, I'm doing this for you.
I hope you still remember your promise! You made a lot of promises with me but, there's one that I cannot forget. Write to me soon! Xoxo~
-Do Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo returned to his work at the hospital, and became busier than ever. Since he departed for almost 3 weeks his surgery schedules has piled up. With the help of Chanyeol he got them all done in a week. With that Kyungsoo still managed to write to Jongin. Everyday Kyungsoo checks the mail just to see if Jongin wrote back.. but he hasn't written not even one letter to him.. Since then every night Kyungsoo went back to the times like he was still in New York. He cried himself to sleep every night under Jongin's covers, he'd eat less, come home late, and lack sleep.

"Kyungsoo, have you heard from Jongin yet?"

Jongin's roommate has now become Kyungsoo's.
"Oh Sehun-ah, not yet.. You don't think something bad happened to him right?" Kyungsoo looked at Sehun with a worried expression, he cared so much for Jongin even though it's been 2 months since he's last heard of him.
"No, probably not. Jongin's a tough guy. Did you write to him yet?"
Kyungsoo shook his head, after two weeks of still not receiving anything from Jongin he never wrote to him again.

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