Hiccup p.o.v
I see astrid in a burning boat by the docks when im try to get to her toothless stands in front of me trying to protect me and stop me get to astridAstrid p.o.v
when i see toothless in front of hiccup i know that he wouldn't be able to get to me in time and when the flames reach my back first it burns though the rope that was holding me and i see a why for me to get off the boat and in to the water so when i dive into the water a hit me lag on a rock make it bleed when i spot a place to get in to the underground Stables (the one for httyd2 ) where i spot sormfly who don't realize it me and almost bites meHiccup p.o.v when the atacks finally retreat is ee that the boat that held my wife is gone and i see blood as well my heart breaks in it a million different pieces in till my mom says "hiccup come with me" i followed letting everyone see the sadness in my face when we got to the great hall i finally ask my mom "what are we going here" when she brings me into the chef's office where i see.........
***author note ***
Hey finders
1. how was the chapter
2. Who do you think is in the office
3. How did you find my story
Ok bye finders love you

Will he ever find me (hiccstrid) * Editing*
FanficThe story takes place two years after httyd2 ( does not include any httyd3 in the storyline sorry) Hiccup and Astrid are married with no kids when Hiccup has to leave berk for a month to stop a war when Astrid has to stay behind want will happen...