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The characters belong to J. K. Rowling, as does the Harry Potter series.

Currently written just by:


A/N: BrokenTimeTurner IS NOW PART OF THE OBLIVIATED SHIPS GROUP. TAKE NOTE. So, even if she didn't add to this particular oneshot, she's part of the team and we all take credit for each oneshot.


"So, where are you taking me?" Cho asked nervously, hoping her palms weren't sweaty. Oh, God. What if her hair was messed up or something? She almost reached up to pat it down but then he'd notice. No, no, she couldn't do that...

"A surprise," Cedric replied nonchalantly, taking her hand and squeezing it. "Don't worry, I probably should be the one worrying..." His voice took on a nervous tone as he trailed off in uncertainty.

Cho squeezed it back, wondering why he looked so anxious. They both walked on, earning some strange looks from other students-and knowing smiles from her Ravenclaw friends. And Cho wasn't stupid; after all, she was a Ravenclaw and she knew Cedric was going to ask her something....something important...

She suddenly wished she'd taken Professor Trelawney's class, after all. Maybe, maybe it could've helped her.

"Sorry, um-"

"It's alright, my friends don't mind," Cho reassured him. In fact, they encouraged it, rushing her away and giggling about the Yule Ball. Oh. Oh. Oh. He was going to ask her to the Yule Ball. Cho almost smacked herself. The signs were obvious; she was seeing them everywhere these days. Now, now Cedric was going to ask her. Calm down, she told herself.

"Do you want to go sit over there?" Cedric pointed to the side of the Quidditch field. "Oh, wait, um, do you want to sit there?"

Cho nodded. She liked Quidditch after all, it wasn't like she was going to complain about a little dirt on her skirt. He led her to the side of the large towers, and sat down. She got down, his hand still holding hers-a small detail that mattered more than anything else to her. They both almost leaned against the banner, but then remembered what would happen if they did and hurriedly sat down instead, trying not to lean against the banner of the tower so they wouldn't fall and break their skulls or get any other gruesome injury she didn't want to think about.

"So, what's the surprise?" Cho asked. They probably could've  gone to the benches, but she guessed Cedric had enough on his mind than to go there. The Triwizard Tournament seemed difficult, so she knew it tended to take a toll on you.

"Well." He paused, looking directly at her. She felt herself melt a little inside. "You might not like it.."

"Oh, I think I will." Cho smiled at him kindly. What could she do? She was a Ravenclaw, this was practically the right move to make.

"Will you go Yule Ball with me to?" he said rapidly.

She tilted her head to the side. "What? Sorry, Cedric, I couldn't understand that." She wasn't stupid enough not to get what he meant but she couldn't help liking the fact that he was just as nervous as she was.

Cedric took a deep breath. "Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" he asked again, this time remembering how to speak properly. His cheeks had reddened-and she knew it wasn't from the cold. He was nervous, nervous about asking her to the Yule Ball.

Cho smiled at him, a genuine smile that felt natural to her. Saying "yes" didn't seem quite right. She wanted this moment to last forever. Something that would make a, she couldn't say just anything...

Letting go of his hand, she gently put both of her gloved hands on his cheeks, hoping that she wasn't blushing too hard, and leaned in, kissing him.

Cho had never kissed a boy in her life. Yes, she was a fifth year. No, she wasn't horrendously ugly and she hadn't ever murdered anyone. She was a fifteen year old girl who had never kissed anyone. She had read about it, heard about it, seen it happening, but she had never really thought it would feel so right. It felt better than an O in class. It warmed her right down to the  tips of her toes just like Butterbeer on a winter day spent trudging through the streets of Hogsmeade. His lips felt sweet and warm, despite the cold weather. Their noses bumped a little, but she suddenly found she didn't care one bit, except perhaps to smile at it. It was her first kiss, after all, and no one could judge her.

Cedric, she knew, didn't know how to react. She hoped she wasn't overdoing it, but he kissed her back, putting his arms around her and smiling a bit against her mouth. She smiled back, knowing he knew the answer: yes. Yes, she would.

All the Butterbeer in the world couldn't make her feel as good as he did at that moment. She wished she could bottle it up and save it for all her years.

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