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The characters belong to J. K. Rowling, as does the Harry Potter series.

Currently written just by:



Shivering, Victoire pulled the blankets closer around herself. It was an average autumn day, colorful leaves scattering the lawn outside as she glanced out of the window. A fire crackled nearby anyway, which her friends had insisted on lighting. She couldn't think what had happened to her. This was a completely–sneeze–out of the blue cold.

All she wanted to do was kick off the blankets, go change into something nice and run downstairs to see Teddy. He had gotten stuck getting tutored by Professor Flitwick, who was one of the only teachers from their parents' time still at Hogwarts. McGonagall and Trelawney also still taught here.

"Come on, Vicky," Rose said, passing by. "It can't be that bad."

Her cousin glared. "Yes, it is! Especially as everyone's outside on the lawn or at Hogsmeade. Even Teddy's gone. There's nothing to do."

Rose rolled her eyes. "He's probably done by now. You and him! You'll probably start snogging the moment he comes up and pass your cold onto him."

As that thought registered, Victoire realised something and let out a moan of despair. "Oh, no! We won't be able to sn–I mean, kiss." Rose smirked.

"Cheer up, cousin dear," she said heartlessly. "It can't be healthy to be all over each other all the time." As she started to get up, Rose saw danger, and disappeared up the stairs to her dormitory quickly. "Be a good girl, won't you?" She called down as she went.

Victoire pulled a hideous face in response which Rose didn't notice, and Teddy, unfortunately, did.
He came bursting through the portrait hole, catching her in the action. She straightened her face immediately and smiled guiltily at him.

"What's wrong?" He demanded, skidding to a stop beside her. "They–they said you were really sick–Madam Pomfrey had given you–you had these awful–"

He appeared to look her over for spots or rashes. She stared at him, part-confused, part-exasperated and part-touched. Then she heard an explosive giggle from the top of the stairs, and turned to see Rose clutching the banisters. Teddy saw her, too, and stared at her. "Rose! You and James scared me. It. Isn't. Funny."

Rose gave him a winning smile, and when that didn't appear to work, shot up the stairs pretty fast.

Victoire smiled at at Teddy's murderous expression. "I'm perfectly all right," she said. "But–"

"But what?"

"You won't be able to come too near me," she announced glumly.

Teddy looked so horrified that she had to laugh.

"We'll get along," she said, when she had stopped. She fixed a stern eye on him. "Unless all you want me for is 'snogging'."

Her sixth year boyfriend immediately straightened his expression. "Of course I don't," he said indignantly. "In the meantime, let's...." He looked around for inspiration, and his gaze fell on a chess set nearby.

"Let's play." He picked the set up, and in a moment had it all sorted out. The figures trusted him immediately. Teddy was just that kind of person.

As Victoire told her knight to move a space to the left, she hoped she didn't look terrible. She imagined her red nose, watery eyes and messed up hair, and sniffed dolefully. Teddy glanced at her, seemed to figure out her expression in the space of a few seconds and smiled his melting smile at her. His eyes glittered wickedly.

"You know," he said as he leaned close to her on the pretense of telling his pawn where to move, "I wouldn't mind risking a little sniffiness right about now."

She didn't go red, and swat him away. She was Victoire Weasley, so she tilted her head up a little and met his teasing gaze. "That doesn't sound as bad as it might," she told him. "Luckily for you." As he looked slightly hopeful, she pressed a finger to his lips. "But I want to see us get along for a few days without any kissing or touching even."

Teddy groaned in such a heartfelt way that she couldn't help herself. She brushed her lips against his cheek and then told him to get back to the game.

"Well, you don't need to act as if you aren't trying to distract me on purpose," he said, huffily as he sat back.

"I'm trying to distract you? I like how you–" she began, but was interrupted by James tumbling through the portrait hole and landing on the floor with a thump.

"And, next time, don't lean on me like that!" came the Fat Lady's voice from behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2015 ⏰

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