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A/N: First of all, this is not a cliché story, so if you want to read that schist, you have come to the wrong place. Of course, you are an absolute idiot if you want to read that. Just saying. 

You will not find any Hinny, Harmony, Romione, Jily or other ships which are usually shown. We are here to present to you all the other ships including Langelina and Teddy x Victoire (someone needs to think of a ship name for these two). Don't like. Don't read. If you don't ship those, you are a babbling bumbling baboon who needs to head straight to Azkaban. Like, right away.

But don't feel the hate...just feel the death glares of us fangirls.

Let's get started and, no, it's not going to start with hello or hi...

The characters belong to J. K. Rowling, as does the Harry Potter series.

Currently written just by:



Lee thought the commentary had gone well, all things considered. He had told a few jokes here, subtly (or maybe not, considering the looks Professor McGonagall had shot him) insulted the Slytherins there, and mentioned Angelina-the girl who'd rejected him. His tone had been light, but, as he'd caught glimpses of her shooting through the air, Quaffle tucked under her arm, fierce determination written all over her, he'd felt a sharp pang in his chest.

And he was still trying, because, dam, that girl was good. At mostly everything. Even rejecting him, she still swaggered off like a boss. His type of girl. Even if he had to endure the laughs and pitying looks from people in his year.

Which was totally okay, because she was going to be his future girlfriend. No doubt about that. She would realise  that he-not any other guy in their school-was destined to be with her.

And there's the little rainbow in the childish fantasy.

"I can't believe that hag," George grumbled. "Us Gryffindors get banned; Slytherins only get lines."

"Someday, I'm going to feed her to the giant squid in the lake," Fred agreed.

"And let her rot in the Forbidden Forest," Lee added spitefully. She probably wouldn't let him comment next time either, but let some inexperienced idiot of a Slytherin do it and allow them to cuss out the Gryffindors all they wanted.

"We should do something."



The three seventh years plopped down on the best chairs in front of the fire in the common room. Usually, Lee disapproved of turning the younger Gryffindors out of their seats, but this time his glare was enough to send them flying to their rooms.

Right now they should have been balancing Butterbeer and snacks sneaked in from either the  kitchen or the Honeydukes basement to celebrate their victory, but nobody was in the mood for a party. Umbridge had even ruined Quidditch! Lee steamed. Nobody messed with Quidditch and got away with it.

Not even that daughter of a Death Eater.

She may have been a whatever-you-call-it, but Lee seriously would not have cared if he was expelled for murdering her. Hell, he would settle for Azkaban at the moment. Of course, with his luck, she would come back to life like a twisted Inferius.

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