Chapter 9 - I Think I'm in Love with you...

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Amy's P.O.V

I thought about replying to Haley, but I couldn't all that was on my mind was Karma. It was driving me crazy. Everything about the situation that I was in was driving me crazy. I hated this feeling of being stuck in between. I played with my phone as it continued to stay silent, I knew that Haley was hurt.  I had hurt her, and then on the other hand there was Karma and I didn't know what to do with her.  

We made our way to the car and Lauren helped me out of my wheelchair and into the car, she gave me a weak smile and then did up my seat beat.  I looked out the window as My Mother drove all of us home.  My phone was still in my hands.  I wondered about texting Haley, but she probably wouldn't reply anyway.  I sighed.  

"Something's wrong" Lauren whispered, as if it were a fact not a question.
"Yes something is wrong" I whispered back, our eyes met. Lauren looked at me in shock that I was actually telling her something, but our sisterly moment was quickly ruined.  

"Honey, I forgot to tell you but there is a school camp on next week, I signed the papers already, so don't fight with me on this, just because you were in an accident doesn't mean that you can't have any fun" Mum said from the drivers seat.
"Could of warned me about that" I mutter looking at Lauren.
"Sorry, it kind of slipped my mind, you know, you getting hit by a car and all" she said.
"Fine" I mumble, and then look out the window again.  

We get home a few minutes later and again Lauren helps me out of the car and into my wheelchair.  I smirk.  
"Don't get used to this Amy" she said smirking back.  She wasn't so bad - Lauren - I just needed to get to know her better and I did.  She was actually a very good sister to me, I wish I could do the same for her, but she never really wants my help with anything.  

"We set up the spare room for you" Lauren said, 
"but I want to stay in my room" I said, a little disappointed, I had waited forever to be in my room again.  
"come on Amy, one night in here shouldn't matter" Lauren said as she turned around and faced me.  
"Lauren, please, I need to be in my room" I said, getting a little teary eyed.  
"what happened to you in that hospital? It's turned you into a very sad person, Amy Raudenfeld" Lauren said.  
"the hospital has nothing to do with it, I'm afraid of the dark" I stuttered out, fearing that Lauren was going to laugh at me.  She didn't. She just looked at me and thought for a moment.  
"I can fix this" she smiled, and then she was gone.  

Lauren was gone for a while, and I'm not sure where Bruce and My Mother where, so I wheeled myself outside.  I still had my phone.  There was still nothing.  So I decided to text her,

A: Haley, I'm sorry, it was just a busy night and I got let out of the hospital today.  

I sent the message.  My stomach dropped at I sent it, I felt sick.  Was this how it was supposed to feel? 

H: I get it. I saw you leave today. 

It was obvious she didn't want to speak to me. Which annoyed me, but I hadn't replied to her, so I was guessing this was pay back.  

A: Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye, maybe when you get out of hospital I can repay you. 

H: what kind of payment? 

A: whatever payment you think is fair. 

H: I know what I want

A: And what is that Miss? 

H: I want you.  

I blushed as the message came through.  

"Who is Haley?  and why does she, quote: 'want you'" Lauren said, she made me jump.  I didn't realise that she was right there.  
"Jesus Lauren, you could have given me a little warning" I said.  
"I could have, but there is no fun in that, now come on, I want to show you something" Lauren said as she wheeled back into the spare room.  
"I told you I wanted to be in my room" I said, 
"I know you did, but I think that you will like this room a little more than your room" Lauren said as she turned off the lights, my heart races but only for a moment and then I realised that Lauren had put up fairy lights around the edges of the room's roof.  I smiled.  
"Aren't I the best sister ever" Lauren smirked 
"yeah, I guess you are" I smiled.  

Karma's P.O.V

I heard that Amy got let out of hospital, but I decided not to go to her house.  I didn't know what to do, I had told her that I loved her and then had done nothing about it! What was wrong with me.  Why did I do that.  I felt like such an idiot.  

"I'm thinking about going and seeing Amy this afternoon, wanna come?" Shane asked me, as we sat in Maths, that morning.  
"I don't think so" I said as I tried to pay attention to what we were learning.  
"come on, you came and saw her all the time at the hospital, what's different now?" Shane asked, he didn't care about learning what-so-ever.  
"everything has changed" I said, as I try to understand the numbers, but they weren't making much sense.  
"Karma, come on, nothing has changed and you know that" Shane said.  
"Shane, you don't understand..." I sighed 
"then help me understand because it seems pretty clear to me. You and Amy are meant to be with each other, best friends and then more than best friends, you can't just say there is nothing there" Shane huffed 
"I'm not saying that....I told Amy that I loved her and she pretty much rejected me...She has Haley now" I said, as I tried not to think about my girl with another girl.  ugh.  
"Who is Haley? You love Amy! how do I not know about this!" Shane said, trying to wrap his brain around all of this.  
"I'm surprised you don't, she tells you everything" I said.  
"well she didn't tell me this" Shane snapped, at no one.  " I have to go and talk to that girl" 

Amy's P.O.V. 

I was at home by myself all day, it wasn't so bad.  I didn't mind the quite, plus I had been texting Haley all day, so it wasn't that bad of a day.  Lauren got home and there was something that I wanted to ask her but I knew she would say no, but I was going to ask anyway.  I rolled into the kitchen where Lauren was.  

"what do you want?" Lauren knew when I wanted something, I think it was something about my face.  
"I was wondering if you could take me to the hospital" I said,  
"Is something wrong!" she asked, all worried.  
"No, no I'm fine" I said, 
"then what is it then?" Lauren asked 
"Haley, I met her there and I was just wondering if you could drive me there - I would only be there an hour and then come home" I said 
"what about Mum and Dad?" she asked 
"they wouldn't have to know, and I'll let you choose what I wear for a week" I said, 
"make it two and you've got a deal" she said, 
"deal" I said and then we were on our way.  


Hey sorry, that is all I can say, I've been reading all your messages about updating, I feel so bad, but here we go a really shitty piece of writing, hoping I can get back on track with this piece of writing, because Karmy is life and can you believe Faking it got cancelled - that's some real bs. but whatever.  I hope you guys like it and hopefully there will be some more of this coming soon, let me know what you think, also what do you want to happen, how long should Amy continue with Haley, how long will Karma hold off seeing Amy, let me know in the comments :))))))


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