Him or Him?

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~Jenna's POV~

So we technically have one more day in LA and we had an amazing time so far.

Since we have been doing all of these crazy adventurous things, we thought we would go do something simple and fun for the last day.

Izzy and I are going to hit the mall and the guys have yet to decide whether or not they want to come, but if they don't, then we will all meet up for lunch and then they wanted to have a meet and greet downtown, so they are going to tweet it out later.

Since Nash became friends with Cameron, who was also big on social media, Nash has also only become more popular.

He's quickly catching up to the other boys and there are going to be a ton of girls at this meet and greet that are only there to see him.

After I saw Sam in the store with that girl, it made me realize that I shouldn't be dwelling over him because he will never want me back.

It's a sad thing to realize but it's the truth.

I'm starting to think that maybe dating Nash will not only help me move on, but I actually really like him.

I want to tell him today, before we leave.

But I don't know.

I'm nervous.

"Jenna!" Izzy said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yea, sorry, I'm alive," I said and she laughed lightly.

"Mall?" She asked and checked her phone.

I nodded.

"Are they boys coming?" I asked.

"Were not listening to anything?" She asked and laughed.

She slung her arm around me and walked me out of the apartment and outside.

"We get a little bit to shop and at 12 they are meeting us at the mall, we are all going to get lunch, and then they want us to help them find a new outfit for the meet and greet," She said and I nodded.

We got in the car and drove off to the mall but we were there in seconds since she lived so close.

We walked in and made our way towards Forever 21.

"Izzy, I need help," I said.


"I saw Sam at CVS the other day when I ran to get advil and he was with another girl," I said and she looked at me in shock and sadness at the same time.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"I'll explain that later. But it made me realize how much I liked Nash and I don't know if I should tell him today or once we get home or what?" I asked nervously and she laughed.

"When they get to the mall, pull him aside and tell him," She said.

"That isn't weird?" I asked her.

"No," She said simply and shook her head as we walked through the entrance of forever.

"Let's get you a cute outfit for you to wear later," She said excitedly and quickly scanned the racks.

She picked out a black and white striped tshirt dress.

"This would be perfect on you!" She squeals.

"Really? I don't think I could rock that," I sighed and she shoved it at me.

She brought me to the fitting rooms and I tried it on.

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