Burgers and Fries

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~Jenna's POV~

"Here we are." I say as I take off my seat belt to face him. His hand is no long on my leg. I feel empty. Cold almost.

"Wanna come in? I don't wanna stay alone for too long but if you have to go I can call someone else." He says but trails off and starts to mumble at the end.

"No, no. It's fine. I'll stay." I say and smile to reassure him. "But you have to be doing things because you can't sleep for 4 hours.

"Okay." He pauses. "Wait how you know? Didn't you just pick me up?" He asks me confused.

I let out a small laugh and smile as I say, "When I got called in to see you before, he knew you were going to call me to pick you up too. So he told me to keep you pre-occupied."

His nose crinkles and annoyance spreads across his face. He doesn't like the fact that the doctor's prediction was correct.

I open the car door, as does he. I start walking slightly in front of him and making my way to his front door. I feel him grab my hand and pull me back due to the fact he can't walk as fast as I do in the state he is currently in.

Once he catches up and we walk in a rhythm, My hand feels warm. Tingles shoot through my body. I smile and look down.

When we get to the door he lets go and opens it for me. I walk through, "Thank you!" I say and smile at him.

We walk into the kitchen and he sits down on a stool in front of a table-like island in the center of his kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" I ask him.

"Yes! They starved me at the hospital. All they gave me was jello!" We both laugh and I look at him. His face is lit up. His eyes happy. Different. His teeth bright white and his mouth as spread as it can go.

"What are you looking at me for?" He says teasingly as my face turns red and I look down.

"Nothing, you're just... happy, that's all." I say shyly. I look up at him as he pulls his hand through his hair and he had a huge grin.

"Well of course I am. I'm with you." He looks straight into my eyes and I just look back. He isn't doing anything but admiring me. And I admire him.

He stands up slowly and grabs a left over burger from the fridge and french fries from the freezer and throws them on the counter in front of me.

"Here." He says and looks at me.

"Ugh- fine," I say, really not wanting to do anything but that's okay, he needs help. All I have to do is shove it in the microwave anyways so...

"Go sit on the couch, I'll be there in a minute," I say with a smile and a tone that sounds like I don't want to do this but I'll do it anyways.

He walks off to the other room and I hear the tv go on.

"Don't fall asleep!" I yell to him.

I hear him laugh.

It takes me a few minutes to find where everything in his kitchen is, but I figure it out. I decide to make myself a sandwich, considering I haven't eaten all day.

"Here- I hope you don't mind I made myself something," I say to him awkwardly, but I know he doesn't care.

"No- I don't mind at all." He smiles and looks at the tv.

"The Kardashians? Really?" I ask as I burst out into laughter.

"It's actually good! I like watching how ridiculous and over-dramatic they make everything." He says while laughing at the same time so I only understood parts, but I got they idea...

What a nerd.

~Jenna's POV~

I actually start to like the show after an episode of it. Once it ends, we sit in silence for a moment.

"I really, like really, need to shower. You can hang out if you want. It may take me a while since I've been having a bad day too," He laughs as if this whole thing is joke. I laugh too though because in the end, it's true.

"That's fine, I'll be here," I say and smile as I see him walk out of the room. I hear his foot steps slowly make their way up the stairs.

"You sure you don't wanna join me?" He yells across the house.

"Pretty sure," I yell back with a laugh.

~Sam's POV~

I get out of the shower and put on some sweatpants.

"Jenna!!!!" I scream hoping she will hear me from all the way up here. Plus the TV is on... didn't think about that.

"Yea?" I hear her yell back and I listen to her start to walk up the stairs.

I open the door and I see her look me up and down. Her eyes then stop at my torso.

"My eyes are up here you know..." I laugh and smile as she looks up at me.

She blushes and looks down at her feet.

I then realize that my hotness was not the only reason she was looking at me. I have bruises covering my entire stomach. But I ignore them.

"So why did you call me?" She manages to say over the awkward silence and her embarrassment.

~Jenna's POV~

"So why did you call me?" I say during an awkward period. I look at him. He stands in the doorway to his bedroom. Bruises cover his body and he actually looks kind of hot in those sweatpants.

I snap back out of my trance when he says, "For this."

He takes about two steps until we are inches away from each other. I can feel his warm breath on my face. He reaches in and kisses me. Slowly and kindly. Almost gentle. I tingle and my knees feel wobbly. I feel as if I am going to melt.

The kiss lingers and I can't help but start to smile. He smiles too and opens his eyes.

"Come on." He steps back and turns around to walk into his room. I follow and just as I walk through the doorway, he pushes me against the wall.

He kisses me. Faster this time, his tongue begging to enter. More intense yet just as passionate. I let his tongue in and his taste is just as sweet as his smile.

I put my arms on his shoulders and play with his hair. He steps back but we stay connected. I step forward and he keeps stepping back but starts to spin. He spins me around and pushes me on the bed.

"I don't wanna..." I trail off before he kisses me again.

"Oh okay, that's, um... fine." He says and I feel relieved but could tell he wasn't happy. I know he's used to the girls being all over him but I just can't be that girl.

I watch as he takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself and he gives me a weak smile.

He lays next to me on his bed. He stays on his side and looks at me intensely and I look back. I take my arm and rest it against his bed so my hand reaches his hair and ear. I mess around with his soft hair and then slowly reach in and kiss him again. I pull away and smile. We stay this way and we stare at each other. I get closer to him and turn over. He wraps his hands around my waist and sticks his head in between my neck and shoulder. I feel safe. I absorb his heat, my heart beating quickly, and I slowly fall asleep...

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