Which One?

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~Johnson's POV~

"I'll meet you for lunch at the place we always go to," I said into the phone.

"Okay man, see ya later."

I hung up and went back into the room I came from.

"Jenna," I whispered and she moaned.

I chuckled.

"Come on, its like 11:30," I said and she rubbed her eyes.

"Okay, I'm hungry anyways," She said and sat up slowly.

"Good, because Izzy wants to take you out for lunch," I said and she nodded.

"What happened last night?" She asked and I stood still in shock.

"Think really hard," I said after a minute.

"No," She said, "It felt like a dream."

"Well, it wasn't," I said and sighed.

"Goddamn," She said and punched the bed.

"I'l leave you alone now," I said and walked towards the door.

"Thank you for helping me last night Jack," She said sincerely.

"No problem," I answered.

I closed the door behind me.

What am I doing?

I always hated myself for liking her because I knew we would never be together, but here I am fighting for her to get back with Sam.

Sam was a dick.

We all know it.

He made a mistake.

However, we all make them and we have to forgive at some point.

Besides that one time, Sam was never a dick to Jenna.

Actually, he was less of a dick to everyone.

They made each other happier.

Which made them better people.

Now, I'm not saying her and Nash don't make each other happy but they aren't as in love with each other as Sam and Jenna used to be.

I don't know what it was.

They were so different, which made them love each other more.

I feel like Jenna and Nash are such similar people, and that's why they started dating, but its like dating your best friend or sibling, you both like similar things and feel the same way, and neither of them push each other to do things as much as Sam and Jenna did together.

Whatever, I just call it how I see it.

Anyways, on with my day.

I changed and grabbed my phone and walked out to the car.

I drove off to a local restaurant that all the guys went to when we wanted something good.

I pull up and see his car already there.

I walk in and look around.

"Johnson!" I hear and look to the right and see Sam sitting in a booth.

"We need to talk," I said and sat down across from him.

"Shoot," He said and waited for me to start.

"What do you think you are doing?" I asked.

"I know man, I know, I shouldn't have done it but-" He started.

"No, I don't think you do know. She is stuck in a position where she is starting to realize, hey, maybe I should forgive him... But then on the other hand, she has a great boyfriend who treats her well and loves her and she loves him but she loved you more. You made one mistake which made her leave but now she's considering wanting you back. She's so lost and confused. Do you know how strong she will have to make herself in order to break up with Nash? She has no reason to besides the fact that she realized she still loved you."

"That's her decision. I'm not making her chose me, it's her choice," He said.

"But it isn't anymore. You slept with her. You know how honest of a person Jenna is. She would never lie to anyone. Especially Nash. So now she is going to spend the rest of spring break in misery and regret and she will be sick to her stomach on that flight back home because she knows, once she sees him, it's over. Once she gets back and tells him, he's going to leave her and she will be destroyed. And in the end, it's all on you."

"I'm sorry. I didn't really think about it that far. I just missed her and she didn't stop me from doing it. She missed me just as much. I know it's all my fault. But even if she breaks up with Nash, she doesn't have to come back to me. She could fall back on you. She knows you like her and if she's lonely or upset, she's going to go to you looking for help. You were always the one she would fall back onto. Izzy and G have each other and now you two are left. Don't think she's not smart enough to realize it isn't a good idea to come back to me, as much as I want her." He said in his defense.

"Do you want her back?" I asked.

"I would do anything," He said.

"Then I'll help you."


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