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A.n. - for the YSL edit of harry, all credits go to yourssincerelylarry on tumblr who makes super amazing edits like this one...and I will post tons more later bc these are perfect tbh. xx :)

When my eyes open, I can see nothing but black. Once my vision focuses, I notice a dim light, far in the distance. There seems to be a figure there, behind the light, or the light itself, perhaps.

Then suddenly, a voice, quiet, then getting louder, calls out into the darkness. "Emery. Emery?" The statement becomes a question, and suddenly I'm curious to find the source.

I walk forward, arms outstretched, but I am greeted by nothing. The voice I hear is a woman's, and I can't help but feel I've heard it before. I look around wildly, searching for where the words are coming from, but I can't see a thing, besides that light, which doesn't seem to be getting any closer.

"Emery?!" The voice is so familiar, and more urgent this time. I know I have heard it before, many times.

"Where are you?" I cry, reaching out in the darkness. "Who are you?"

"Save me! Please!" The voice screams, suddenly. I can hear breathing and I feel along the walls, waiting for something, anything, a sign of life.

"Where. Are. You?" I yell, hopelessly frustrated and lost. My heart rate picks up. Time is running out.

"Quick!" She cries again. "Emery, I need you."

It's then when I know the voice. I haven't heard it in a long time. It's my mother.

"Mom!" I say, hoarsely.

She is as beautiful as ever, with her young face and curly brown hair framing her face. She reaches out for me and my eyes train to her skin, a pearly white, almost ghostly.

"I love you," she says, reaching for me. "I've missed you, Emery."

I hold her icy hand in my own, watching as it slowly begins to fade. Her pale white shade goes to gray and then it evaporates completely. Then goes her legs, her arms, and her torso.

I hold on tighter, hoping it will make her stay. But as soon as she's there, she's gone.

"Goodbye, Emery," she says, before she disappears altogether, her smiling face simply dissolving into the abyss.

A hand grips at my arm, tightly shaking it.

My eyes fly open, my heart beating fast. Mom? Was she really there?

I awake to bright lights and incessant beeping, and once my vision comes into focus, I realize I'm in a hospital room. I try to sit up, but my blankets, tight against my body, restrain me. I glance around wildly, taking in a series of machines and a dull, faded, brownish paint color on the walls.

My head aches, but I push back my covers anyways, swinging my legs over the bed and attempting to stand. Why am I here? I need to leave.

"Woah, sit back down. It was just a dream you had," a man's voice says. A guy I didn't notice before is positioned in a chair next to my bed, reaching for my arm. He pats my pillow softly. "Lay down. You need to rest."

The guy leans back, reclining effortlessly against the wall. He drapes a jacket over his chair and runs a hand down his clean shaven face. I survey his dark brown hair and gray-green eyes. Definitely not familiar.

"Who are you?" I ask hoarsely, utterly confused.

"Drew Greene," he says, folding his hands in his lap. "I was there when you passed out."

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