New Friend

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*2 Year Later*

Justin, 19 Zoe, 19


I tear a poster from the magazine and unfold it. I squeeze my eyes shut and cross my fingers.

"Please Please" I whisper.

Yes, another Justin Bieber poster. He's my new celebrity. His newest song, As Long As You Love Me stole my heart. As I tape it up I look at my room with a sigh. 257 posters of the same person. Dad comes in with his cup of coffee he stumbles back to the sight of my room.

"Dang, How much did all the posters cost?" He says.

"Magazines cost $5 dollars, probably alot... I've been saving my money for magazines to get Justin Bieber posters" I reply happily. Dad sips his coffee.

"How long is this celebrity going to last?" He asks.

I look up to him and then to my walls.

"This time, its diffrent" I say and collapse onto my bed Kiking my friends of my newest crush celebrity. I then read my magazines studying facts of Justin Bieber like a math test I have to know by tomorrow. I then find myself thinking of my best friend Justin. I haven't seen him in a long time I still think of his secret on why he had to move. I bury my head and groan kicking my legs. I try to dial his number but it comes to voicemail, I try to leave one but it says the voicemail box is full. I sigh and try to get him out of my head. He's my past. I text some more and by the night I now everything about Justin Drew Bieber. I hug myself happily for achieving. I find out one of my friends is a Belieber too so I invite her over.

"Mom!" I yell. She screams "What?!".

"Lea Machun is coming over for... Uh study" I say. I walk downstairs and mom smiles.

"A study buddy?" She asks. I roll my eyes and nod grabbing some apples and cheese from the refrigerator. Lea is kinds popular but shy and nice also she thinks there should be plenty of snacks in a house. I whip up cheese and crackers, apples with peanut butter, raspberry lemonade, strawberries with sugar and watermelon chunks. I balance it up stairs and use my phone until Lea comes.

"Zoee!!" Mom sings from downstairs. The door swings open and I hear some talking. Lea is here. I quickly pick up clothes from the floor and throw them in the hamper. I turn on my labtob and open it to a bieber website and set it down on the edge of the bed. Just when Lea is going to knock I grab a apple from the plate and pretend to use the computer and bite into my apple. I look up. "Lea!" I smile. She waves and jerks her head to the snacks.

"Have some, if you like" I say uncomfortably. I scroll through the website and pick up another apple. Lea sits crossed legged next to me taking a huge bite of her watermelon. The juice drips from her chin.

I try not to remember about the day I was eating messy watermelon, that was the day I met Justin. Lea later leaves. I sit on my bed. Dad and Mom come upstairs to tell me they are going to be out during the night and that I should go to bed. I nod and get ready. I climb into bed listening to the sweet voice of Justin.


I wake up to the sun hitting my face, it's Sunday a day to relax. "Mom!" I yell remembering her errand run with dad last night.

"Zoe let me sleep" she groans from the bedroom next door.

"Sorry" I half whisper and shuffle down to the kitchen. I cut some fruit up and make 2 pancakes just for me. I drench them in syrup then put the fruit on top.

Mmm. :)

I drink a cold glass of milk. It feels good down my throat since it's cold.

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