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Just kidding...

5 years later

Breathing in I take in my appearance in the mirror, my hair once straight is now curled and styled. The dress I wore clutched tight to my skin in all the right places while puffing out at the bottom. I felt like a princess. I looked like a princess. Smiling to myself I knew that this was exactly the right thing to do. "Thank you Lou" I smile as the silvered haired woman brushed pressed powered onto my nose as a finishing touch "Honey, there is no need to thank me, personally I would have been a little pissed if you didn't ask me. Today will be perfect and I'm glad to be apart of it" She embraced me into a tight hug, "Right I'm off to snap the lads into shape, Lux is in her dress and she's playing with Dan. She's so excited to be a bridesmaid, Lau thank you" I laughed, Lux had woken up at 5am this morning and demanded to put on her dress "Her and Daniel remind me so much of me and Harry at that age to be honest, two little hooligans getting into trouble" We both laugh before she gives me one last hug before swanning off.

"Oh Lauren, you look beautiful" my mum gushed, tears brimming in her eyes "Are you ready to go? Harry is here" I placed my hand into hers clutching it with dear life. "Are you trying to pull my hand off?" She questioned loosening the grip, making giggles of nerves fall through my lips "Holy shit mum I'm scared" I squealed as she held my hand as we made our way down the stairs. "Fucking hell" Harry grumbled his eyes growing wide "You look beautiful" I placed a delicate kiss on his cheek, trying not to smoother him with lipstick "You scrub up well too" I grinned brushing the shoulders of his suit and pulling up his pink tie. "Let me get a picture, it can go next to the one of you two on prom night" My mum softly laughed taking us back to that night, "Smile" she called as Harry placed his hand around my waist. The snap of the camera sounded as the flash blinded me. "Right lets go before I change my mind" I laughed taking one last sip of the champagne that sat in a glass.

"Daniel, Lux we're going" I called up the stairs hoping the youngsters would hear me "Coming mummy" his little legs rushed down the stairs as fast as the could clutching onto Lux's hand for dear life "Careful baby" I gushed, rushing to hold out my hands to scoop him up into my arms."Well don't you look handsome and Lux you look so pretty" I smiled, my little lad looked absolutely adorable dressed in his tiny handmade suit that matched Harry's and Lux wore her cream bridesmaid dress and did a small twirl for us. "You're getting too big, how old are you now?" Harry questioned playing dumb, knowing full well of his age. "I'm free" Daniel grinned holding his arms out to Harry to be picked up by him "Yes you're three" Harry chuckled holding him close in his arms. "Ready?" He questions his emerald eyes shining bright. Taking one last deep breath taking Lux in my arms I nod "Ready as I'll ever be".

"You're dad would be so proud of you and you're little family" My mum speaks looking out of the window. I glance down at Daniel who reminds me so much of my father and ruffle his flat hair "I know" I smile tears now brimming in my eyes "and so am I, you've come so far" she places a small kiss on my cheek passing me my bouquet of flowers that consisted of peace lilies and pink roses. "I love you mum" I smile wiping away my tears "Hey no crying" Harry chuckles from the front "Happy tears I promise" holding my hands in the air pleading my innocence.

The white Rolls Royce slowly pulled up outside the church, white and pink roses stood as decoration in between them stood Luke and Niall all suited and booted dressed in the slate grey, cream and pink suits that I had personally picked for all of the important men in my life as they handed out programmes to arriving guests. Doing one more circle of the car park, Harry pulled up to the church rushing from the drivers seat to open my door. Suddenly I became very weak my legs turning to jelly "shit I'm doing this" I squealed "Shi" Daniel began "Daniel no! Ignore mummy, that's a rude word" Harry couldn't help but chuckled as he helped us all out of the car. "Right Lux and Daniel do you remember the rehearsal?" The two children began nodding frantically still holding one another's hand "it's exactly like that but the real thing" Harry explained.

"Ready?" Harry questions for what seems like the thousandth time today, slowly nodding I link my arms with him and my mother slowly walking in time to the slow music, as soon as we entered flashes of light came from each direction from the selected amount of paparazzi that were sat at the back of the large church. "You okay?" My mother mumbled low enough for no one but me to here "perfect" I smile squeezing on her hand.

As soon as my eyes landed on him all of my troubles and nerves washed away, he stood in the same suit as Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis, Luke, Ashton and Calum but somehow it felt different, it looked unique. His once red hair was now black making his skin seem more pale, he looked perfect. "Daddy" Daniel screamed detaching his hand from Lux's and rushing towards Michael who stood at the alter staring at me his smile bigger than ever before, his eyes diverted from mine to our little boy. "Hey buddy, I missed you this morning" he exclaimed pulling him up in his arms and blowing a raspberry on his cheek sending him into a fit of laughter. Smiling I admired the view, my absolute world stood before me and my love for them both was beyond words. Reaching Michael I smiled before turning to Harry and placing a kiss on his cheek before giving my mother one and whispering "I love you" taking their seats I stood next to my soon to be husband our hands intertwined as the vicar began to speak.

"You look beautiful" he whispered, and even though everyone had told me that this morning it was the first time I believed it. "Now I believe you both have written your own vows" the vicar questions nodding I close my eyes trying to remember them.

"Michael, I promise to alway be patient even if you aren't. I promise to remind you on a daily basis how much of a pain in the ass you are but I will also remind you how glad I am that you are my pain in the ass. I promise to laugh at all of your lame jokes even if they aren't funny, and to understand that pizza will always have a special place in your heart. I promise to always be there when you need a hug and to always be proud of you no matter where you go. But most importantly I promise to love you unconditionally - even when your hair falls out, because you and I are perfectly imperfect for one another."

"Lauren, I promise to remind you every single day just how beautiful you are and how thankful I am that you gave me Daniel. I promise to let you win every fight because I know you're stubborn and also always right. I promise to watch Titanic with you on a regular basis so you can lust after Leonardo Di Caprio . I promise to let you sing badly out of tune to all of the bands songs while not complaining once and to understand that you are a Directioner and a Niall girl. I promise, to trust you with my life and to alway try my hardest for you and Daniel. But most importantly Lauren I promise to love you wherever I am in the world"

"Now do you Michael Gordon Clifford take thee Lauren Rose Wheeler to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and hold for as long as you both shall live?"

"Of course I do"

"And do you Lauren Rose Wheeler take thee Michael Gordon Clifford to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold for as long as you both shall live?'

Staring into his deep green eyes I smile, knowing full well I had hit the jackpot marrying the man of my dreams. He is perfect and there's nothing about him I would change.

"I do" I smile

"Then I am pleased to announce that you are husband and wife, you may kiss your bride"

Wasting no time Michael attached his lips on to mine igniting my whole body, an explosion of butterflies occurring all over my body. The taste of spearmint and watermelon flood through my tastebuds and I feel alive. Michael stops and smiles into the kiss before mumbling "I love you Mrs Clifford".


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