Chocolate, America, and the Dinner

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3rd Person POV

While Kyoya and (Y/N) were enjoying a nice cup of coffee in the music room, the blonde halfer is meeting up with the rest of the Host Club in secrecy. Tamaki lead them to the garden to avoid anyone listening into their conversation. All of them were in a circle, hunched to whisper among themselves.

"Gentleman, I have the perfect plan to make Kyoya fall for (Y/N). Let's get (Y/N) to make chocolates for him." Tamaki states boldly.

"It's not even Valentine's Day. Why would she make chocolates for him?" Haruhi asks. Tamaki exhales deeply and stands up. The others look at him.

"Oh my sweet Haruhi, the occasion for giving someone you love a present is not important. Why even our guests are generous to give us delicious sweets. Whether made by chefs or themselves, we gladly accept gifts and share sweets together." He creates dramatic poses and gestures. His eyes close, his hands in the air, and a dashing smile written on his face shows just how much planning he put into it.

"So why chocolates?" the twins asks in unison. Both of the twins stand up slowly from their spots. Honey lightly jumps up. He stands adorably, clutching onto his stuffed bunny.

"Yeah. I think it'd be super cute and super yummy if (N/N)-chan makes a cake for Kyo-chan." Honey mentions. Mori stands up calmly, next to his dirty blonde cousin.

"Hmn." Mori hums in agreement. Haruhi is the last one to stand up. Everyone looks to the Host Club King, waiting to hear what's he's thinking. Tamaki is deep thought about (Y/N) making other types of sweets.

"Yes, I'm sure anything (Y/N) makes would be delicious. However, as Kyoya's best friend, I'm absolutely sure he'll adore chocolates." Tamaki turns away from the group. With a sparkle glint in his smile, he's proudly thinking on his plan will work.

~~~ Tamaki's theatre ~~~

(Y/N) and Kyoya were in room all by themselves. (Y/N), in a cliché housewife outfit and matching apron, happily gives Kyoya a box of chocolates.

"Here, Kyoya. I made you some chocolates. I'm sorry, but I made them with a heart shape. I love you." Kyoya grabs the box of chocolate like it sent sent down from heaven. He treasures them and the young girl in front of him.

"My darling (Y/N), I don't care if it's an embarrassing heart shape. I will taste every single bite. Of course, it's only natural I pay you for your love." Kyoya takes her wrist, pulls her toward him, and wraps his arm around her waist. They were leaning in for a kiss...


"And then Kyoya and (Y/N) will get married, have babies, and live happily ever after. Yes! They'll love each other like how I care about Haruhi. We can even be the best man at each other's wedding. Our beloved kids will be playmates. And then all's well that ends well!" Tamaki exclaims as he gazes in the opposite direction of his friends.

The rest of the Host Club were looking at the dramatic pose and glistening eyes Tamaki is making.

"I don't know what's going on in your mind, but I have a feeling that I should stay out of it." Haruhi comments. Honey and Mori nod their heads.

"Agreed." The twins say.

After school, (Y/N) makes her way home. She enters the house.

"I'm home." (Y/N) puts her shoes by the door and enters. With no one getting her as usual, it seems a bit off. Even if her parents were working, her grandmother would at least greet her. It wasn't long until footsteps descend the staircases to the right.

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