Chapter 1

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It was just another day in Camila's life. Get up, eat, go to school, meet Daniel after school, go to practice, meet Lauren to do homework together, go home, take a shower, sleep.

It's not like she was a robot or anything but her schedule was busy.

It was 7:15 when Camila heard her phone ringing, waking her up from yet another dream of meeting Taylor Swift.

She didn't even have to look at the screen to see who was calling, only one person had "Beautiful Eyes" by Taylor Swift as their ring tone.

"Lern... what do you want?" Camila mumbled with her sleepy voice and she could swear she heard Lauren's gasp on the other side of the call.

"Well, I was just calling to see if you're picking me up or if I'm going with Chris."

"Oh yeah umm.,. I can pick you up. Is 7:50 good?"

"7:50 s'good. But Camz?"


"Get your big ass up if you don't want to make us late. Again." and with that Lauren hung up

Camila quickly looked at the clock and read 7:17. Well she has about 20 minutes to get ready so she quickly got up and did her morning routine.

"Fuck." she cursed after not being able to find her button up shirt for a few moments.

And then it hit her, she let Hailee take it few months ago for Daniel's birthday, instead, she decided to settle for high waisted black skinny jeans and The 1975 T-shirt.

And if we're being honest she wasn't even sure if it's hers or Lauren's. Just like she wasn't sure for half of her closet, well except for her shirts in color, those were definitely hers.

She quickly glanced at the clock and saw it's time to leave if she doesn't want to listen to Lauren's morning rant about how she does not want to be late for her geography class. 'Little miss perfect'

Camila would always mock her, but in reality she had maybe one or two B's more than Lauren did.

It was like a battle between them, who will have more A's at the end of the school year. The loser had to buy a gift to the winner. It was like that ever since 2nd grade. For now, Lauren had 6 gifts in her room, meanwhile Camila had only 4. Not that she cared.

She pulled up in front of The Jauregui's house and saw Lauren running out of the house and right into her car as if she is being chased by zombies.

"You're late." was the first thing Lauren said after catching her breath

"It's 7:52, calm down Lo, we'll make it."

"You always say that." Lauren said through her teeth

"And we always come on time. Yet, you always give me shit for being late. You can always go with Chris." Camila brushed her off

Lauren scoffed. "No way, I'd rather walk, do you know how fast he goes?"

"Well, if I recall correctly, you got your license before Chris or I, you were our chauffeur for months, and the car belongs to both of you. You can drive it if you want."

"I like it when you drive me to school."

As soon as Lauren said that Camila bit her bottom lip in attempt to hide her face being eaten up by a smile but failed miserably.

"And you like it too." Lauren added

"No!" Camila protested

"Yeah you do, admit iittttt."

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