Chapter 5

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"I'm not making any plans without Lauren!" Camila raised her voice at the others

"What's the big deal?" Harry asked

"The big deal is that she is going with us therefore I will not make any plans without her. She gets to tell her opinion first and then we make final plans. Or I'm out."

"Where even is Lauren?" Santiago asked

"She texted me that she's sick, we can visit her after school if she feels better by then."

"So what's the big deal then? She'll give us her opinion once we get there." Holland added

"You wanna go against her will? Fucking do it. Be my fucking guest. I have to go, I don't feel like being late today." Camila said and took off

Holland quickly stood up and ran after her.

"Mila! Mila! Hey! Wait up!" Holland shouted but Camila just walked even faster

Not fast enough though.

"I'm guessing you're still mad at me?"

"I'm not mad at you Holland. You were right, her love life is her thing. I'm just not in the mood."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just on my period. That's all." Camila lied and walked away

That wasn't all. And both girls knew it. And both girls had an idea this mood change had something to do with Lauren.


"You sure it's okay if we come later? How are you feeling babe?"

"Good. Better I guess. When will you be here?"

"I'm guessing about 3:30... Although Camila and Harry did mention something about might being late due to the fact they had to pick their sisters up from school or something."

"Holland, she asked me about the date."

"What did you tell her?"

"That I will tell her all about it when I see her... and then not even 5 minutes later I texted her I don't need her to pick me up cause I'm sick."

"Well, you've got a few more hours to think about it then. Right? Look Laur I have to go, my class is about to start. Take care, yeah? Get better by the time we get there."

Lauren put her phone on the bed and decided to clean her room a bit. It was more than just a mess.

It fits my mind perfectly.

Throwing a quick glance in the mirror another realization hit her. And my hair too, ew.

Lauren wasn't sick, well at least not physically. She was just tired of her feelings for Camila. Every time she had thought she's getting over the smaller girl, Camila would do something to wake her feelings up.

Just like last night.

Lauren didn't consider it a date, how could she when there was 5 more people with them? But she'd be lying if she said she didn't have a good time with Hunter.

He was nice and he showed his interest in Lauren and whatever she had to say, she payed for her food and laughed at her jokes. They talked about pretty much everything.

But at the end of the night, although she had fun she wished it could have been Camila instead.

And when she saw Camila's text this morning she had a strange feeling about it. She couldn't put a finger on it but something seemed off.

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