Chapter 9

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"How about this? You guys can sleep at my place and the girls can stay at one of their places and in the morning we pick you girls up and we are ready to go?" Santiago asked

It was Friday and they were sitting around their usual table at lunch. They were supposed to start their road trip tomorrow but could not agree on the order of picking everyone up.

"We can stay at my house. Tay is staying over at her friend's so you two can take my room and I will take hers." Lauren suggested

"I don't want to spend my last night before the trip in a crowded bed." Camila replied

"Are you saying I'm fat?!" Holland raised her voice

"All right ladies, calm down. How about you all sleep at your place and I will pick you up as I go? Santiago lives the closest so he's first, Holland is next, Lauren after her and Harry and Camila are the last one. Did you guys buy food yet?" Jake asked and looked at Lauren and Harry

"Not yet. We were supposed to go after school but Lauren can't so Holland and I will go. If someone wants to join us you are free to do so." Harry said

"Thanks but no, I already made some plans for tonight." Camila said

Well, not really. But there was no way she is going alone with Harry and Holland. They will probably be acting like a four year olds and do God knows what.

"Well then, we should make a list of all the things we need."

"We could like buy one shampoo and a tooth paste, it's better than if we all carry around our own." Jake suggested

"One for guys and one for girls. Because we will be in separate rooms so..." Lauren added

"Smart idea.. What else do you need?" Harry asked

"Bunch of snacks and liquid. We'll text you if we get any new idea." Lauren replied and stood up

"And where are you going? There's ten minutes till class." Holland asked her

"To see Hunter. I am late already. See you in Italian babe." Lauren bent down and put a quick kiss on Holland's cheek

Camila looked at Lauren as if she is waiting for the kiss too but as soon as Holland said her good bye Lauren turned around and started walking.

"Lo!" Camila called after her

And of course Lauren will stop and turn around when Camila calls her, she even walked back a few steps to be next to her.

"Huh?" The older girl questioned

"Are you going home with me or?" Camila asked her

You see, on Monday and Tuesday Lauren decided to go home with Hunter instead. And yesterday Camila had some things to do in school until five in the afternoon so she couldn't give her a ride, Hunter generously jumped in. After checking up twice with Camila if it's okay that she goes with Hunter instea Camila assured her it's totally fine.

"You? I guess. Why?"

"Just making sure if it's me or him." And maybe they were talking just about the ride but Camila couldn't help but ask herself if the question really was just about the ride.

"You baby. Always you." It will always be you, no matter the deal.

Lauren gave the younger girl a quick kiss on the cheek and hurried out where Hunter was already waiting for her.

Camila couldn't stop smiling at Lauren's voice and although she thought no one will notice, someone did. But Jake decided to keep it for himself. Maybe she was just happy for Lauren and Hunter. Yeah right.

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