Chapter 1: Why me?

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The school bell rang just when I finished my text about seagals. Nothing intresting for me. I took my books and was just about to go when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jennifer Cleaver. She had the perfect body and perfect face. Almost every boy fell in love with her just by looking at her. Well, I can't deny, she was very attractiv. A lot of girls wanted that more than anything. Not me. It would be really enoying to have both boys and girls after me all the time!
"Hey, Aria, I think you dropped this"
She held in a book. A dairy. My dairy.
I took it fast and mumbled "Thank you". Then I walked away. I had written in my dairy since two years. It was a secret because it was my seventeen birthday in like two months. And if someone found out that I wrote a dairy, let's just say that it would be awkward.

I wrote in my dairy on my way home.
"Dear dairy.
School was boring as usual. Well, Oliver throwed a tomato at Jennifers head. Haha! She got dirty. That was pretty funny! And when..."
I did'nt even finished my sentence before I got a small stone in my head.
"Ouch! Who was that?! That was not funny!"
No one answerd.
It was still quiet. I picked up the stone. I was just about to throw it away, but I saw something on the stone. It was words. A whole sentence. It said;
"I'll be watching you."
First I got scared. Then I thaught it was som firstgrade who was joking. But I thaught the stone looked nice, so I kept it.

When I came home didn't dads car standing in the garage, as usual. And just after that, I got a messege. I picked up my phone and looked. It was from A secret nummer. The messege said:
"I'll be watching you."
My whole body was shaking. Why would sombody write that kind of messege? Why would anybody do that? Why me? I opened the door and sceemed;
"Is anybody home?!"
But it was just the same as with the stone. Quiet. I took up my phone and called mom.
"Hi it's Claire. I can't take your call, but leave a messege after the sound. Beep."
It was just the same with my dad, Owen.
"That's wierd" I said to myself.
I even called my little brother, Mike.
He never used to anwer when I called him, but I still think it was strange that no one answerd.

I waited a very long time, until the clock was 22.13.
"I should call them again" I thought.
My phone was beside my dairy and when my hand was near my phone, my eyes were somewhere else. On my dairy. I saw a paper who was sticking out of my dairy. I pulled it out and started to read what the paper said;
"If you ever want to see your family again, you have to go to the old oak at midnight. And don't take anyone with you. I'll be watching you."


So there you go guys! My first chapter in my first book Above the thunder clouds! I really hope you likes it! I'm gonna update as often as I can! And sorry for my bad spelling, but I hope that you understand! See you in next chapter!

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