5. A Shoulder to Cry on

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I woke up, being shook by my brother.

"Come on loser."

I grunted and sat up.

"I don't wanna."

"Get dressed before I take you in your pajamas."

I whined a little more and got up only to push him out of my room.

I grabbed my white sweater and my black skirt. I brushed my hair, grabbed my backpack and went downstairs. I put on a pair of black combat boots.

"Who's the loser now?" I laugh when he sees me ready.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Where's mom?"

"I don't know." By his tone he seemed nervous. He looked everywhere besides me.

"Well then." I roll my eyes and walk out of the door.

I see Logan get in his car and I sigh. He's suck a dork. As soon as I grabbed the car door handle, Logans car pulls in the drive way.

"Need a lift?" He says loudly out his half open window.

I nodded slowly and walked over to the car. I opened the car door and sat in the leather seat. Then he started his car and we drove off.

"So." Was all he said.

"So what?"

"I don't know. Make some conversation."

"Because obviously you don't know how." I mumbled to myself.

"What was that Dunam?"

"Just shut up and pay attention to the road."

That's when he pulled the car over, put the gears in park and turned to me.

"What was that, Dunam." It sounded more like a command.

"I said you're a bipolar dumbass."

"Really? If I'm such a fucking dumbass then maybe you should get out of my car."

Yeah. Definitely bipolar.

"I will," and with that I got out of the car. I slammed the door and started walking.

"Wow. You're such a brat." He said as he drove slowly.

Says you, I thought.

After his "words of wisdom" he sped off. Then I was left alone to walk to school.


"Mrs. Dunam, you are wanted in the principals office." Said my English teacher.

I felt my body go numb, and my stomach turning as if it was impaled by a dull knife.

I nodded, packed my books and walked out of the classroom.

As soon as I walked in chills were sent down my spine, my stomach dropped, and I could feel my breaths getting sharper. I sat down in a chair as I awaited the principal.

"Kat, the principal will see you now." The secretary said.

I nodded and started walking to his office, the door was opened already. I poked my head in to see Logan sitting there in one of the chairs.

"Come sit down please, Kat."

Nervously, I nodded and sat down in the chair next to Logan.

"Kat, you're not in trouble what so ever." The principal had chuckled.

I think he took note of my anxious tapping.

"Mr. Ollsen is failing school. I'm afraid he will not graduate if his grades are not improved. I know it's the beginning of the year, but he has no extra credits. He really needs every credit he can get and-"

"Come on Charles, get to the point." Logan rolled his eyes.

He glared at Logan and looked back at me.

"Would you tutor Mr. Ollsen?"

"Um-m s-sure." I said with no confidence.

"I will excuse the both of you for the rest of the day. Go home and study."

With that Logan and I get up and walk out. My chest still felt as if it was tightening and I was starting to feel dizzy. My arms were crossed holding the sides of my rib cage. We were walking to his truck when he noticed something was wrong.


I nodded slightly, knowing no words would come out.

"You feeling alright?" I felt his hand on my shoulder.

Nodding once more, I started walking again. His arm wrapped around my shoulders as he walked me to the car. He unlocked the car and opened the car door for me. I got in and tried breathing.


We were in the car, everything was silent. He pulled into my driveway and shut the car off, just so he could unbuckle and look at me.

"Kat, what's going on?"

I took a deep breath, "I have anxiety issues, Logan. I'm fine." I gave a reassuring smile and unbuckled my seat belt, leaving the vehicle.

He followed, and we walked up to my porch. I unlocked the door and walked in.

"Logan shut the door, please." I exclaimed as I walked to the kitchen.

My jaw must've dropped at the sight. I could feel everything go tense and my legs started to tremble.


She turned around and looked at me, dark circles appearing under her eyes. She held a glass of wine in hand.

"Honey!" She sloppily said.

"W-w-where've y-you been?"

"Dealing with your father. We went to court, we decided to not get you involved." She whispered.

I was terrified of what that could mean. Why would they go to court. They seemed so happy.

I could feel a single tear starting to form.


"Baby, we don't have to tell you everything," she giggled, " me and your father were never meant to last."

"Stop." I looked at her, numbly.

She sipped her wine.. as soon as she was about to say something, Logan stepped in. He grabbed onto my arm and brought me upstairs.

He brought me to my room, where I just collapsed onto my bed. I was sobbing and at the moment I could care less if Logan had to say something about it. I loved my family, them splitting will kill me.

Laying there, thinking of all the things that could result because of this caused me to sob more. Logan sat on my bed and rubbed my back, trying to calm me. He told me comforting things, which was surprisingly not awkward at all.

At that moment, all I wanted was to be comforted. Logan was not bad at doing that.

I sat up and put my head on his shoulder. I was crying lightly now. Logan held onto me. For a little bit, I forgot about how he treated me. I forgot how he mentally hurt me. He was there for me in a time of need.
I never thought Logan had a nice caring side to him, but he has proved me wrong.

"Kitty- Kat this is just another chapter of your life. It'll pass by. I'll be here for you, through everything, whenever you need me." He tried making eye contact, but my face was buried into his shoulder.

I don't remember what else happened that night. All I remember was Logan and I laying on my bed, talking about our childhood.

I guess Logan Ollsen is not as bad as I thought he was..

>>>>>>>Authors Note<<<<<<<<

Hey guys,

I am so dearly sorry I have not been updating. School work and family issues were building up and I couldn't write anymore. Everything is better now and I plan on having  few more books come out this summer. Keep reading :} I really wanted to thank those who have been reading my stories. It means a lot to me. I love you all and I promise I will update way more. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2016 ⏰

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