4. Captian

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Chloe and I decided to just meet Connor at the party. As soon as we got on the street of the party you could hear the music, see all the lights and cars. Even some people running on the front lawn.

We found a spot to park and we both got out. We walked silently and as soon as we got to the porch you saw couples eating each others faces off. Ew. I walked in to see everyone grinding and dancing. I squeezed through all the sweaty bodies and to the kitchen. Because it's obvious that's where Connor would be. I finally got to my destination to see no Connor. But I did see the one person I was trying to stay away from. He smirked and walked up to me.

"Dunam." He looked at me up and down. "You look nice."

"You look nice." I mocked in a high pitched voice.

He shook his head. "Who'd you come with?" He said avoiding eye contact, which I didn't mind.

"My boyfriend." I crossed my arms.

"Oh really? Why isn't he here, saving you from the big bad wolf?" He ruffled my hair.

I swatted at him.

"You're an asshole." I mumbled.

"But you love me." He smiled.

As soon as those word came out everyone's eyes were on us. Staring. I was trying to avoid this situation.

I walked out of the house, pushing through all the sweaty bodies once more. As I can tell he was following me.

As soon as I got out of the house, Logan grabbed my arm and forced me to turn around.

"Why would you say that?" I hissed.

"I didn't think people would make a big deal of it." He chuckled.

"I have a boyfriend. I don't love you, if anything, I hate you."

"Then why'd you come to the party?" His smirk was so ridiculous, I just wanted to slap it off his face.

"Chloe convinced me to."

"No, no. I know you Dunam. You never do anything you don't want to."

I rolled my eyes.

"Did you hear why this party is being thrown?"


"I'm the new football captain." He grinned widely.

"Just let me go. I want to leave."

"Why? The party just got interesting."

"Logan." I looked at him desperately.

He was quiet for a moment. Then spoke, "Need a ride home."

"I wouldn't want you to miss your party." I said half sarcasm.

He let go of my arm. Then scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah. Right." He looked back at the party, then me.

"Just tell Chloe that I got sick or something. If Connor-"

"Connor Bigby?"

"Yeah. If he comes tell him the same."

"I doubt the old football captain would come to his replacements party."

"Well we were going to come together." I smiled then started to walk off the porch.

"That's your boyfriend?" He laughed.

"Yeah. I wouldn't be laughing Ollsen, he already thinks I'm cheating on him with you. Soon you'll get your ass beat." I smile and put a peace sign in the air. Only to hear one last chuckle from him.


I made it home. No cars were there. I inwardly sighed. I walked a little faster, trying to reach the house as soon as I could. I saw Chris's light was on. I ran to the door and unlocked it. I closed the door and ran up the stairs. Soon to see Chris's light in his room go off. I knocked on the door lightly.

"Chris.. It's Kat-"

The door opened right away. His eyes were droopy, as you could tell how tired he was.

"Hey." His voice was soft and cracked a little. He leaned on the door frame.

"Are you okay? Where's mom and dad?"

"Everything is fine Kat."


"Kat. I'm serious. Everything is fine. The parents probably went out for a drink or something. Just go to bed, please." His vulnerability was overwhelming.

I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a little squeeze.


I let go, and walked to my room. I quickly changed into pajamas. Soon to lay in bed. I brushed my teeth then ran out of the bathroom. I threw myself onto the bed and got comfortable. I laid there unable to sleep. Tossing and turning frequently. I heard a car door slam and I looked out my window to see not my parents. But, Logan across the street. He looked angered and seemed that way too. He walked into his house and I sat there thoughtless. I watched the house and soon saw a light go on upstairs. I'm guessing that was Logan's room.

The curtains opened and I dropped my head to seem less noticeable. He stood on his window sill then climbed onto the tree. Next thing I knew he was on the roof. He laid there and brought out his phone. Soon mine vibrated.

Logan the Man:
I saw you looking at me >;)

It took me a minute, but then I realized when Logan took my phone he set himself up as a contact.

Shut up. I'm not in the mood.

Is it that time of the month? :/

SHUT UP! It is not! I have no clue where my parents are!

I was joking. Damn. Well I don't know.

I face palmed and continued texting him.

Nooo. I thought you hang out with them d:

Whatever. Come and join me Kitty Kat.


On the roof. You're so stupid sometimes. :'D

I'd rather not. Meanie ._.

Well obviously you can't sleep..

Goodnight Logan- The -Wo-Man. c:

I gotcha Dunam. I see how it is. Talk to you tomorrow nut head. ;)

I sighed and put my phone on its charger. He is so dumb. I laid down, not able to sleep still. But felt a bit more comfortable and less worried. You may be a sports captain and know how to play football. But  heart breaking  is my kinda game. But I won't be the one who loses this time Ollsen. Not any time soon. Soon I drifted to sleep around two in the morning. Unaware of what would happen the next day.

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