Chapter 5

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Rachel wakes up and realizes it's a Saturday. "Yes." She says to herself. She gets out of bed and sees Santana, Kurt and Finn already up and awake. Finn sees her. "Hey Rach. You slept in late." Rachel answers, "Ya, I was pretty tired." Santana interrupts and says, "Anyone want breakfast?" Kurt and Finn say yes but Rachel says she's not that hungry. Finn looks at her. "Come on babe. You need to eat something. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Rachel sighs. "I said I'm not hungry." After Rachel says that she realizes that it came out a little snotty like. Damn hormones. Kurt adds, "Finn's right. You need to eat." Kurt stares at Rachel and Rachel finally realizes what he's talking about: the baby. The baby needs food. In order to do that, Rachel needs to eat. "I'll eat later." Finn says, "Rach, you need to fill your belly up sooner than later." Rachel raises her voice. "Jesus Finn! What is wrong with you?! I am 19, I think I know how to take care of myself. I don't need my boyfriend to watch over me every second of every freaking day." Then Rachel quickly and quietly adds, "Jesus." Finn gets up and takes a step back. Kurt's eye are so wide, that if they get any wider, they will fall out. Santana's mouth is open. Rachel then realizes what she has said and feels really bad. Finn grabs his jacket and starts for the door. Rachel feels really bad. She tries to grab his arm as he leaves, but he doesn't let her. Rachel cries, "Where are you going?" Finn doesn't turn around, just says, "A walk." When Finn closes the door, Rachel feels tears coming to her eyes. Rachel puts her head on the counter. "God, why do I have to be so mean and hormonal?" Santana looks at her. "Not all of that was hormonal." Rachel lifts her head. "What do you mean? I'm pregnant, no duh I'm hormonal." Kurt looks at both of them. "Well ya, but you got mad for more than just that reason. Your still very scared to tell Finn your pregnant." Santana adds, "He's right. Your getting all worked up about not telling him." Rachel can't help it. She just starts crying. Santana and Kurt comfort her. Kurt says, "Just tell him." Rachel gets up and says, "No. I can't tell him. Not yet." Santana asks, "Rachel, why can't you just tell him? He going to get reallt frustrated." Rachel stops crying, "I don't know what I'm going to. But I better figure it out soon." With that, Rachel walks to her room to change. Kurt sighs and sits on the couch. "I promised I wouldn't tell Finn." Santana sits next to him. "Me either." Kurt looks at Santana. "What the hell are we going to do?" Santana thinks for a bit then snaps her fingers. "I got it! The first step to solving this "problem" is simple. Call Finn from Rachel's phone." Santana gets up and grabs Rachel's phone and dials Finn and puts it on speaker. Kurt and Santana wait patiently. All of the sudden they hear the phone. "Hey it's Finn. Can't get to the phone right now, but if you can leave a message, that would be great. Thanks!" Santana hits ENDS CALL. Kurt sighs, "Well Finn is pissed." Rachel walks back out of the room and sees Santana and Kurt on the couch. Santana quickly throws Rachel's phone on the table. Rachel, Kurt and Santana spend the rest of the day inside, since it's really cold outside. Finn doens't return and it's 9:30 PM. Rachel walks to the window, "Guys, I'm really  worried. What if something is wrong? I won't be able to live with myself." Kurt says, "Don't worry. I bet he's fine." By 11:00 o' clock at night, Santana and Kurt give in and go to bed. Rachel stays up, on the couch, watching TV, waiting for Finn to come through the door. But he never does. By 1 in the morning, Rachel goes to her room and cries herself to sleep, hoping that Finn is okay.

Crappy ending, I know! Don't worry, Finn is fine! Thanks to whoever reads this! (which is no one, sadly.) I'll try to post as often as I came, but school is being a poop. :( But I'll try! <3

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