Chapter 7

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(A litte refresh: Rachel told Finn about the baby and now he left and hasn't come back.)

  The next morning, Rachel wakes up on the couch with blankets on her, tissues everywhere. She grabs her phone and sees her reflection: red, huge, puffy eyes. Then she remembers, Finn. Yesterday. Telling him about the baby. Him leaving. She quickly gets up to see Kurt and Santana at the kitchen table, drinking coffee, silently reading magazines. Kurt looks up. "Hey sleepy head. Good night sleep?" Rachel looks at him and raises an eyebrow. "Seriously, Kurt? A good night sleep? Do you not remember what happened yesterday?" Santana punches him in the arm. "Nice going Lady Hummel." She looks at Rachel. "Feeling any better?" Rachel replies, "Where's Finn? Did he come back?" Kurt and Santana look at each other. Rachel gets up. "Of course he didn't. Do you guys know where he is?" Kurt answers, "He's staying at his friends house." Rachel is making an english muffin. "Which friend?" Kurt looks at her and says, "That is Confidential Information." Rachel is buttering her english muffin and then stops. "Kurt, I am holding a knife. Don't make me." Santana buts in. "Berry, calm down. He's staying at his friend Matt's house." Rachel walks to the kitchen table. "I have to go see him. I need to t-" Theres a knock on the door. Santana gets up to get it. She opens the door and screams. "Oh my god!!! BRITTANY!!! What are you doing here?" They give each other a huge bear hug. Brittany smiles. "I came to surprise you guys!" Santana brings her in. Kurt runs to her. "Britt! Hey, how are you?" Brittany says, "I'm really good now that I get to see my Santana." She grabs Santana's hand. Brittany sees Rachel. "Rachel! How are you?" Brittany runs to her. Rachel gets up and gives her a hug. "I'm okay, Briit." Brittany looks at her. "What's wrong?" Rachel sighs and says, "I'm pregnant. I told Finn yesterday because he didn't know for awhile. Kurt and Santana knew. He just got up and left. He's staying at a friend's house." Brittany's eyes widen. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?" Rachel sighs. "If there was, I would've of done it a long time ago. But thank you." Brittany smiles. Rachel wants to change the subject. "So, do you have any plans in New York?" Brittany answers, "Not really. I just wanted to surprise my peeps in New York." Kurt smiles. "Well, I'm glad that you're here." Rachel gets up and goes into her room to change. She comes back out about 10 minutes later. Santana looks at her. "Where are you going, Berry?" Rachel grabs her purse and starts putting her stuff in it. "Where do you think I'm going?" Brittany shakes her head. "Uh, I don't think that's a good idea." Rachel looks at all of them. "Look, nothing is going to get settled if we don't talk to each other. I have to talk to him." Kurt, Santana and Brittany look at each other. Rachel says, "Look, I'm going. That's final. See you guys later." Rachel walks out the door. Brittany then asks, "So, who wants to hear about MIT?"

Rachel's walking in New York, trying to remember where Matt lives. She gets in a Taxi and remembers. She tells the man to drive her there. He heart's racing, but knows she has to do this. She gets to his house, and stands right in front of his door. Breathing fast, she knocks on the door. About 10 seconds later, the door flies open. And there he is, standing right in front of her. Finn. Rachel decides to speak first. "Listen Finn. I know you probably hate me. But if you would've given me time to explain yesterday, maybe things would'nt of ended up like this." Finn doesn't say anything. "Fine, you don't want to talk? Then fine, we won't talk. But I want you to know that I didn't tell you sooner because I didn't want you to be disappointed in me. And you can't seem to except the fact that I love you and I want to talk about this. But you clearly don't. You don't want anything to do with me. I get it. You're done with me." Rachel sighs, not believing what she's about to say. "You can come by anytime to get your stuff, if you'd like to. But I'd also like you to know that I'm keeping the baby. No abortion, no adoption. The baby will be mine. I am keeping the baby because I want to be reminded everyday that the father of this baby is a great man." Rachel starts crying. "I guess, what I'm trying to say is," Rachel takes a deep breath. "that you clearly want this like this. You want us to say goodbye." Finn looks up at her, his eyes widened, but still doesn't say anything. Rachel waits about 15 seconds, then finally says, "Well, then I guess this is it." Rachel finally manages to say, through tears, "Goodbye Finn." Rachel turns around, hoping that he says something. But he never does. Rachel then continues to walk. She doesn't get a taxi, she just walks home, crying the entire way. She doens't care about the looks people are giving her on the street. She finally gets home and sees Brittany, Kurt and Santana on the couch, watching TV. They all stand up and look at her. Kurt reluctantly asks her, "How did it go?" Rachel can't say anything, so she just shakes her head and starts sobbing. She throws her purse to the ground, and before she falls to the ground crying, the 3 of them come running towards her. Brittany says, "Don't worry, Rach. Everything will be okay. The unicorns are watching over you." Santana cradles her, whispering, "This isn't good for the baby." Rachel screams. "Who cares about the baby?! What about me?!" She continues to cry. Santana can't help seeing Rachel like this. She feels a tear run down her face. She looks up and sees that Kurt and Brittany are crying as well. She is so angry with Finn that she goes to grab her phone. Right as she does that, there is a knock on the door. Brittany and Kurt look up, but Rachel didn't hear it, because she was crying so much. Santana sighs, not wannting to be bothered by anyone, but opens the door and literally freezes. Brittany and Kurt freeze. Rachel realizes what's going on and looks at the door. Rachel cries even more. There standing with tears in his eyes, is Finn. You can see the sadness and regret in his eyes. Rachel yells at him and says, "What the hell are you doing here!???! Here to pick up you're things?? Leave! Leave, Finn!" Rachel continues to cry on the floor with Kurt and Brittany. Santana looks at the 3 of them on the ground, and then back up at Finn. And for the first time in her life, Santana saw a tear fall down Finn Hudson's face.

OH MY GOD!!!!! I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT WRITING IN OVER A MONTH!!!!! I just kinda forgot about this story because end of the school year was being a poop. But I'm officially on summer so I should be able to upload more often. Does anyone even read this story? I mean, I know it sucks, so why should I bother, but I'm just asking. Also, did you guys like that I brought Brittany in? I think in the next chapter, I'm going to place it in Lima. If you read this story, please comment below. Just so I know if anyone reads this. Thanks!!

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