Chapter 14

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(A/N: Hello guys, this chapter is taken up a lot by song lyrics from two of my favourite songs. Both are very different, but very good. I recommend you check them both out. First is Your Love's Like by Sabrina Carpenter, second is Misguided Ghosts by Paramore.

Hope you enjoy this chapter xx)

It was my turn to drive Tyler to our art studio/ his apartment after school, or at least, I forced him to let me drive us in my car. I didn't exactly give him much of a choice in the matter, and I smile at him smugly as we make our way towards my light blue car (which is literally just a similar light blue version of James's convertible.)

Tyler climbs into the passenger's seat and sticks his tongue out at me as I get into my side of the car, smiling as I put the keys into the ignition.

"You got any good music?" He asks, looking around the car quietly. His hood has slipped down from his head to reveal his messy black hair, which has grown slightly longer since the first time I met him. The ends reach slightly lower than the top of his neck and curl delicately. It takes all my effort not to reach out and wind the delicate curls around my fingers gently.

I smile sheepishly at the idea, going slightly pink and looking back at the road as I drive. "Of course I have good music, I would've thought that by now you would know that I have impeccable taste."

"Ooh, big head." He teases, but I can practically hear the grin spreading across his face. "So where is this 'impeccable' music?"

"Very secret place." I nod towards the cushioned arm rest behind the gears without taking my eyes off the road. "They're all in there. Arranged in alphabetical order, so do not mess it up."


Tyler pushes the lid open and rummages through the CDs, frowning slightly as he searches.

"Oooh, try Eyes Wide Open by Sabrina Carpenter. You might like it."

He fishes it out and opens it, pops out the disc and slips it into the stereo. After it manages to read it the disc; Eyes Wide Open starts playing.

"Put 'Your Love's Like' on, please. It's track number 6." I say.

Tyler manages to put it on without destroying my car, which is a good thing. I drum my fingers on the steering wheel lightly as I bop my head along to the beat, grinning widely. It reaches the chorus and I open my mouth and start singing along, much to Tyler's amazement.

"Your love's like breathing in the salty air of summer on a private island just for me,

Your love's like the feeling I get when my favourite song is spinning in my head - keep it play-playing on repeat,

It's like flowers in the spring time,

Every day is Valentine's,

So good it's hard to describe,

It's like Paris after midnight,

Dancing in the moonlight,

That's what your love, that's what your love's like."

I burst into laughter when I'm done singing, while Tyler stares at me in surprise. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I didn't know you could sing." He replies. "I mean, I didn't know you could sing so well."

I laugh again. "I can't sing well, I just really like music."

Tyler smiles at me genuinely and pauses the music. I raise my eyebrow at him again.

"You can sing really well," he replies. "I've never met anyone who can sing that well."

I smile faintly. "You're too sweet Tyler, and too much of a liar."

"I ain't lying Bri, you're really good."

"Right, right." I reply, rolling my eyes and pulling up in front of the block of apartments where we do the art project. "Are you still living with your cousin, Tyler?" I ask him as we both clamber out of the car.

"Yeah, but I'm actually going to try to move back in here some time in the next two weeks, so that should be good."

I nod. "If you need help with your stuff just call me and I'll help you move it all. I honestly don't mind, I'd love to help you out."

Tyler grins, before moving to stand in front of me and pulling me on to his back neatly and easily. I laugh in surprise. "Thanks," he replies. "I think I might actually take you up on that offer." 

He carries me into the building and waits with me on his back as we patiently wait for the lift to come all the way down.

Thank the gods we don't actually meet anyone in the building, that would be a weird sight for them to see. Well, we did meet the half blind elderly lady who happens to live across the hall from Tyler, but she just seemed to think that Tyler had a strange back pack on or that he's just oddly misshapen.

I'm not sure whether to be insulted or not.

He finally puts me down when we get to his apartment, where I instantly kick off my shoes and make my way to the Art room. Tyler takes out a bag of Wotsits and fetches a bowl from the kitchen, tipping them in and setting them besides us as we start working on the art project.

We keep switching between all kinds of art supplies as we design the basic background for our pieces, happily working in silence.

"Sing something." Tyler says suddenly. I look up at him in surprise. "Sing something, please. For me."

It takes me a while to decide what song, and when I finally do choose, I carry on working without looking up. I do, however, open my mouth and start to sing.

"I am going away for a while,
But I'll be back don't try to follow me,
I'll return as soon as possible,

See I'm trying to find my place,
But it might not be here where I feel safe,
We all learn to make mistakes,

And run from them,
From them,
With no direction,

We'll run from them,
From them,
With no conviction,

'Cause I'm just one of those ghosts,
Traveling endlessly,
Don't need no roads,
In fact they follow me,
And we just go in circles,

But now I'm told that this is life,
And pain is just a simple compromise,
So we can get what we want out of it,

Would someone care to classify?
Our broken hearts and twisted minds,
So I can find,
Someone to rely on,

And run to them,
To them,
Full speed ahead,
Oh you are not useless,
We are just,

Misguided ghosts,
Traveling endlessly,
The ones we trusted the most,
Pushed us far away,
And there's no one road,
We should not be the same,
But I'm just a ghost,
And still they echo me,

They echo me in circles now."

When I finally finish my song I look up, meeting Tyler's eyes. He smiles at me, his eyes sparkling with something I can't quite identify.

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