Chapter 4

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"I'm headed home, Saul," Winnie said as she slung her bag over her shoulder. "Try not to miss me to much."

"I never do," Saul replied.

Winnie rolled her eyes before exiting the office. She gave Francesca a friendly "Goodnight", to which Francesca returned with just a small wave.

While Winnie could drive, she didn't have a car. Lucky for her, the bus stop was a short walk away from Better Call Saul's and another short walk from the bus stop to her apartment. Winnie zipped up her jacket all the way up and braced the cold, Albuquerque night.

It was a routine Winnie was already getting used to in the short time she had been working with Saul; stay at Better Call Saul's as late as possible, wait to see if Saul needed any help with anything, pace around the office to waste time, finally decide it would be better to go home, walk to the bus stop, hop on the bus, walk home.

It was a short wait and the bus soon arrived. Winnie climbed on, paid the fee, greeted the driver - a younger man who looked like he could've been doing better things with his life than driving a bus - and headed for the back. It was close to 11, meaning the bus was pretty well empty, but that didn't stop Winnie from hiding herself away into the back of the bus.

The bus pulled away from the stop. Winnie pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked; 0 new messages. She sighed and shoved her phone back in her pocket.

Ever since she snapped at Jesse at the gas station, Winnie began feeling more and more guilty. But Jesse refused to speak to her and, even though she managed to convince him to take her number, he wasn't texting her and she wasn't making any effort to text him either. So, all was silent between the two.

As they neared Winnie's apartment, she stood and made her way to the front of the bus. The driver slowed the bus until stopping it completely and opened the door to let her out.

"You sure seem down tonight," he spoke as Winnie was about to get off. "Everything alright?"

"Long couple of days," Winnie shrugged. "Have a good night, Mike."

"You too, Winnie."

The walk to Winnie's apartment may have been short, but it was long enough to turn her nose a light shade of pink from the cold. She was glad for the heat of her apartment when she walked through the door.

It was nearing 12am and Winnie was finding it hard to keep her eyes open. She changed into a pair of pajamas and lied on her bed. She lay facing the ceiling, trying to fight sleep as much longer as possible. It was another of her routines. She hated sleep because every time she closed her eyes, she had the nightmare.

Except it wasn't a nightmare.

It was a memory.


It wasn't strange for Mack not to be in school. He usually only attended if he needed to get his weekly fix, then no one would see him for about a week. No one except Winnie, his main girl and current dealer.

Drugs was never Winnie's passion. It rarely was with anyone. But after she started dating Mack and he told her about the business of dealing, she could't help but slip into the world of drugs. It was never anything serious. Just weed. But "just weed" paid more than her first job at a fast food joint.

Then, she and Mack started doing the drugs themselves. Whatever they didn't sell, they smoked. But again, nothing serious for Winnie. Just the weed. She had tried crystal meth once after Mack had managed to convince her it was "the best stuff", but she didn't like it, so she just stuck to her weed.

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