Chapter 8

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When Winnie opened her eyes the next morning, she was confused at first. She was in a strange room, in a strange bed, naked. It took her a moment to remember what had happened the day before; she was called into Saul's early that morning, she witnessed the fight between Jesse and Walt, she went back to Jesse's, and the two of them had had sex.

Winnie couldn't help but smile as she remembered the night before. She had finally opened her heart to Jesse, and she even told him a little bit about her past. And he still accepted her for it. Maybe, just maybe, Jesse was the one to finally help Winnie move on from what happened with Mack.

She rolled over, expecting to find Jesse still laying next to her, only to find that the bed was empty. Puzzled, Winnie sat up. She was about to call for Jesse when she heard his voice coming from his living room, followed by the voice of two other people. Probably the others Jesse said he was going to bring in to help with their business. Impressive, Winnie thought. He's taking initiative.

Winnie grabbed for Jesse's discarded shirt on the ground, the same shirt he had been wearing the day before. She was reluctant to get out of bed as it was so warm and cozy, but she pushed through it anyways. If she was going to be Jesse's new partner, she had to meet his friends.

Winnie slowly walked out of Jesse's room and into his living room. Sitting in one chair, back on to her, was Jesse. Sitting across from him on the couch, were two unfamiliar people to Winnie. None of them had noticed her.

"Yo, for real," one of the guys spoke. "This is all you?"

"All me," Jesse replied with a proud smirk.

"Hey," Winnie spoke up, drawing the attention of the room to her. "don't get greedy, no. I believe this was a team effort."

A smile spread across Jesse's face and he brightened at the sight of Winnie.

"Good morning, sleepy head," he said. "Or should I say good afternoon."

"You could've woken me," Winnie said. Jesse extended his arms to her and pulled her down on to his lap. Winnie giggled and the two guys wolf whistled as Jesse kissed her cheek.

"Look at our boy Jesse, gettin' some ass from this beautiful lady," the skinnier of the two spoke. He looked deathly skinny. Definitely a druggy, Winnie noted.

"Hey!" Jesse snapped, glaring at Skinny Pete. "Be respectful."

"It's fine, Jesse," Winnie said. "He's just jealous 'cause the closest thing he's getting to any is his right hand."

Jesse smiled and high fived Winnie as Badger laughed.

"So you helped with this?" he asked Winnie, amazed.

"Yeah man!" Winnie replied. "I'm experienced when it comes to the business of drugs and I took chem as a minor in college."

"Heisenberg who? That's what I say," Skinny Pete said. "My man Jesse and his new girl can cook! Check it, yo. It ain't cloudy or dirty of nothing. Just the right shade of blue."

"Good shade," Badger agreed.

Winnie turned to smile at Jesse. He smiled back and pulled her to him to give her a quick kiss on her neck, causing her to giggle. It had been far too long since Winnie had felt this way about anyone and she liked having the feeling back. It was the best high she had ever gotten.

"Check out that crustal size. If that bitch was any bigger, it would be a Jolly Rancher."

"Be my guest," Jesse said before looking at Winnie. "As long aS it's cool for me to give them free meth."

Winnie gave Jesse a look before playfully hitting his arm. "Get over it. And we need some lab rats, so why not?"

"You sure?" Badger asked. "I feel kind of dickish with you being in rehab and all."

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