Chapter 7

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*So, I totally forgot that it was like 8 in the morning in chapter 5 and then last chapter when they got back to Jesse's place, it was like 10 in the night. I'll fix that when I finish the story and go back to edit it, but for now, we're gonna act like that didn't happen because I'm an idiot.*


After her parents heard the whole story of what happened to Mack and how Winnie had been making and distributing drugs for him, they got as angry as Winnie thought. They kicked her out of the house, leaving her with no where to go except various shelters that would allow her. As if that wasn't enough, they also decided to sue Winnie on charges she still didn't know.

Unsure of what else to do, Winnie looked for a lawyer that she could pay for with what little money she had left from her and Mack's dealing days. It didn't take long before she came across one. A man by the name of Jimmy McGill. She found his address and went to find him.

She arrived midday, but he wasn't there. But the women who were working allowed her to go into his office and wait for him to return.

As Winnie sat in one of the chairs facing Jimmy's desk, she broke down into tears. Everything caught up with her. She realized the trouble she was in. She realized what would happen if she was found guilty of her charges.

She jumped out of her seat when the door opened. In walked a man who seemed to be in his 30s dressed in a suit. This, she concluded, was Jimmy McGill. He seemed startled as well. The women must've forgot to tell him she was there.

Winnie thought of all the ways she could explain to him why she was here, but nothing seemed to have come out. She couldn't put the words together to tell him why he, a lawyer who could be working better cases, should help her, an 18 year old with little money and lots of trouble.

Finally, she managed, "You have to help me."


Winnie felt someone shake her slightly. Her eyes popped open, but she couldn't see anything. The room was pitch dark.

"You alright?" asked a voice. It took Winnie a moment to realize who it belonged to.


"Yes, that's my name," Jesse teased. "You alright, Pooh Bear?"

"Yeah, my mind is still half asleep," Winnie replied.

"Not that. I mean, you were crying in your sleep."

Winnie ran a hand over her cheek and realized Jesse was right. She had been crying . The dream wasn't as bad as her normal nightmares, but it was still a memory of the worst part of her life.

Quickly, Winnie wiped the remainder of the tears from her face.

"You don't have to tell me," Jesse said, reminding Winnie that he had asked her what was wrong.

Normally, Winnie would've brushed it off and came up with some lame excuse. But considering the fact she and Jesse had just had sex, she felt as if she could be open with him. He deserved to know the truth, to know why she had been pushing him away before.

"Okay," Winnie said, pulling the sheets of Jesse's bed around her and sitting against the headrest. Jesse propped himself up on his elbow and wrapped his other arm around Winnie. "It'll kind of explain everything. Why I've been acting the way I was and all that."

Jesse nodded, but didn't speak. Winnie sighed and decided she might as well get it out.

"When I was younger," she began. "a junior in high school, I met this guy. His name was Mack. And, being a teenage girl who's longest relationship was probably two months when she was in grade 8, I kinda fell in love with him. He was so nice and handsome, but for some reason no other girls really liked him. And then, he started showing interest in me, too. There was this dance coming up and he asked me to go. Obviously, I said yes. But, instead of staying the whole night, we danced once or twice and then he invited me back to his place. Then, he asked me if I wanted to smoke a joint with him."

Winnie could remember when Mack first asked her if she wanted to smoke with him. He had already lit the joint and took a puff of it before he held it to her and said, "Wanna try?"

Jesse was mindlessly tracing circles in Winnie's outer thigh, which was the only thing calming her down at the moment.

"And, being the impressionable teenager I was, I did try it. I never did any actually serious drugs. Just weed. And it wasn't like an every day thing. It started out as that one night. We got high and I liked the feeling of it. And I liked Mack. So, I'd go over to his house after school every other week and we'd smoke together. Then every other week turned into every other day. Then every other day turned into every day before class started. We got in trouble, of course, but there wasn't much the school could do besides suspend us for a little bit. They never caught us with the drugs because we had a great way of hiding them. And then the only dealer in school got caught and was suspended and charged with trafficking. So Mack talked me into dealing for and with him. One of his friends taught me how to grow the stuff and Mack taught me about how to measure it and price it and sell it without getting in trouble with the teachers. And whatever we didn't well, we'd smoke at his place. His mom didn't know about the drugs or anything, he wanted to keep it a secret. My parents didn't know either. They were stuck up. They hated Mack in general because he wasn't rich and he didn't grow up in the same lifestyle they did and he was just barely passing school and had no plans for college. They never told me this, but I heard them talking among themselves when they thought I was asleep in my room."

Just the mention of her parents caused tears to well up in her eyes. She hung her head and quickly blinked them away so Jesse wouldn't see.

"Then it was nearing our first anniversary. He hadn't come to school that day, but that was normal. He rarely came unless it was to get his drugs. And I had this batch of weed I had made the night before that I was planning on smoking with him at his house to celebrate that we were almost together a year. When I got to his house, there was an ambulance outside and his mom was home. She normally works late, which is why we would smoke at his house and have it all gone by the time she got back. I was worried so I just ran in without thinking. I could hear Mack's mom yelling in the basement and when I went down over the stairs I seen Mack lying there unconscious."

The image of Mack laying on the floor with the foam running from his mouth caused more tears to rush down Winnie's face and her voice began to shake as she spoke.

"He had OD'd on prescription drugs and he-he had a joint that I had sold to him in his hand," she continued. "His mom blamed me, saying I was the reason he got hooked on the drugs and the reason he had OD'd. She told my parents and they-they kicked me out. They pressed charges on me for growing the marijuana in their house and selling it. I dropped out of high school and basically became homeless. That's-that's how I met Saul. I hired him to be my lawyer."

Winnie buried her head in her hands and allowed herself to cry. She was happy that she could finally talk about what happened that night with someone, but she was worried how Jesse would react. What would he think of her now that he knew that she was much more than the moody, smart mouthed, partner to Saul?

He wasn't saying anything. He had stopped tracing circles. This just caused Winnie's worry to grow. She was too afraid to look at him. She almost didn't want to.

Suddenly, Jesse moved. His arm moved around her legs and pulled her so that she was lying down. Winnie looked up at Jesse. Unlike earlier, his face was an open book. He wasn't mad or pissed. His expression was lighter.

Jesse leaned down to kiss Winnie. The sadness drained from her as she wrapped her arms around Jesse's neck and held him to her.

She pulled away first. "I guess that's why I was such a bitch. I was worried about letting you in."

"That's a good reason," Jesse said with a nod. "It's really late...or really early. Get some sleep and we can talk more in the morning."

Winnie smiled before giving Jesse another quick kiss and playfully pushing him off her. She cuddled into him again.

Finally telling someone about Mack had felt as if someone had lifted a weight off of Winnie's shoulders. She was glad Jesse was the one she told and she was happy he understood.

Now it was a matter of telling him the other half of what happened.

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