The Indoor Waterpark

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You're leading your daughter down a steamy hallway. It's been a couple weeks since she's been back, and she's been begging you to go. You, on the other hand, are still trying to move on from the recent divorce. You open the glass door separating you from silence and loudness.

Dang, water parks have really stepped up their game. The lengthy multicolored twisty slides with people of every background going to down them running along the back wall, tube slides all over the places and so much water, it made the ocean look small.

Your daughters in a stylish little purple bathing suit and you kiss her soft chubby cheeks. She's only five but she's so cute and mature. You adore the shlit out of that little sweetie.

You set up all your fluffy towels and large duffel bag of extra clothes and shampoo in a fake wooden chair. The table next to it is wiped dry to set the duffle bag on for good. The large florescent lights beam down in you guys as she's peeking away from you to get into the beach affect pool. You beam down at your little biracial girl. She's a vision.

"Alright, don't be too mean to people." You warn as you gently touch her nose and she runs down into the pool. You watch as she gets a bit deeper and you finally have some time to yourself. Well, you and the other people around. There's so many hairy, overweight men around but the man next to you is catching your eye. He's got rough looking tattoos, blonde hair and large blue eyes. You think he's intimidating as all heck but handsome. You bite your tongue.

"Aye, Whitney!" He yells as a little blonde kid splashes your baby girl. You want to slap the shlit out of her but you can't. You notice the blonde girl turns around and looks at the handsome man. He turns to you and says with a rough but alluring accent;

"Sorry, I'm tryna get her to be nicer in public." He said and you share laugh with him.

"I understand. My daughters the same way." You say, revealing the truth about your daughters some time difficult ness.

"Aye, you gotta name?" He asks, turning to you. He's interested?

"Yeah, ________" You say, still keeping an eye out for your baby girl. She's now playing with Whitney's mermaid Barbies. And the girls look like their having a good time.

"Oh that's pretty. Marshall." He says and you smile back at him.

You have some conversations with Marshall and he's a pretty interesting person. Everything he says and you say is insightful and you guys become good friends.

When your little girl comes back ashore for a shower and complaining of hunger, you knew duty called. You still wanted to talk to Marshall because of how much you liked  him and he seemed to like you but he nods. Quickly he scribbles down something on a piece of paper left behind on a nearby table.

You're helping your daughter dry off and giving her her new clothes; a pink shirt and some black shorts to go change into after her shower as Marshall hands you a number shortly after.

You want to scream as loud as the kids inside but you smile instead and help your baby girl along. But secretly, you're hyped because you just made a new friend. Who would've known an indoor water park could be fun for adults too?

/I did something! Idk why but I felt a strong Zoe presence while writing this. She's rubbing off on me in here😉\

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