Chapter 7 - Time Travelers Dress for Any Weather

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Chapter 7 - Time Travelers Dress for Any Weather

TIME-COORD: 6/18/2045/0945hrs. GEO-COORD: Cleveland, North American Alliance. Vector: Null.

It was midmorning at the old house when the AI announced. "Mister James, Ms. Hiroko, a robo truck is at the main gate with a delivery."

James and Hiroko were enjoying their coffee in the sun room. The morning light on the old oak floors and the smell of leather bound books had made this place very special to both of them. He put down the practice trip sheet he was working on and said. "Excellent, please direct it to the back kitchen door. Ko it looks like all of the rest of our stuff from school is here. I'll get Michael to help me unload."

"Thanks, babe. There should be two boxes of books and papers; the rest is clothes and personal stuff."

"Okay, same for me. I'll put the books in the library and the rest in our room, we'll sort it out later."

Hiroko smiled to herself again at the term our room. "Thanks, babe sounds like a plan. I don't really know why I saved all that stuff anyway!"

The next morning, James and Hiroko dressed in slightly more formal clothes than usual. Each was carrying an overnight bag and despite the hot Ohio weather were carrying warm jackets. James tapped a couple of keys on his portable comm padd and then said. "House, an auto cab should be arriving momentarily to take Hiroko and I to the tube station. Please direct it to the front entrance."

"Acknowledged sir."

"Okay House, we'll be gone for two nights and in my absence, no one is authorized to go below sub level number two. You have my encrypted comm link; please use it if you need to. I'd rather be called about nothing than not be called about something!"

"Acknowledged...standby sir, your auto cab is now arriving."

James took Hiroko's hand. As he stepped out of the main entrance of the old Victorian, he smiled and asked. "You ready for this?"

She laughed. "It's only a trip to see my mom and dad. And by the way, you are the one who should be worried. What could possibly go wrong!"

The small electrically driven robotic vehicle took the two lovers the 35 kilometers from the country house to the main Cleveland sub shuttle terminal. They then took the connector from Cleveland to Chicago where they boarded the main Chicago to San Francisco tube train and 37 minutes later emerged from the underground station. It was a beautiful San Francisco summer day; 14 degrees centigrade and foggy. A few minutes later as they exited an auto cab at Hiroko's family home near the Presidio, Hiroko squeezed her lover's hand tightly. "Okay, last chance to run away!"

He returned the squeeze. "It's okay, your mom likes me right? And I know that your dad does; he told me so."

As they walked up the old granite steps to the 120-year-old flat, Doctor Mitsumi McAdams opened the front door. The woman was tiny, had jet black hair and a pleasant smile; but looks could be deceiving. "Hiroko, Mister Scott. I trust your trip was uneventful."

Hiroko responded by giving her mother a cordial hug. James offered his hand and said. "Yes thank you, Doctor, Hiroko and I are glad to be here."

Mitsumi escorted the couple upstairs and into the north facing living room on the second floor with its view of a still fog-shrouded Golden Gate Bridge. The old house was located at the edge of the great park called The Presidio. The distinguished looking Asian woman looked at her daughter and said. "Your father had an early surgery today, I'm not sure when he will be home but it should not be too late. I shall go prepare some coffee and you two may get settled."

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