The Cali Life

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Gone...just gone. Who could have blamed him. I looked at her as she starred into the lights. No one noticed how she just stood there. Nothing to warm or protect her. Then in a blink of an eye, she was gone. Just like he was. Gone...just gone. 

It all started with California. She was an astonishing looking girl. She had eyes of emerald and the skin of sand. Her hair was the brightest red you could imagine. The way she walked spoke her story. She was a brave girl but never asked why. She really tried in the world be found her life in the ocean. Just floating out in the open as if it was nobodys business. She had friends, tons, but no one new the real her. She looked like a diva but was really an origanal.

Then there was Jake. Tall and slim but couldn't think straight. Eyes of grey and one of a kind. Hair as dark as coal but so soft. He was the so called "popular one". He had the world in the palm of his hands but one day he let go. It shattered as it hit the ground spatting around his feet. His life was over as he fell downward. He was able to gain his balance but was never thought of the same again. People starred and dogde him as if he had a deadly disease. No one looked at a single hair on his body exept for one person.

Cali rose as Jake fell but they met somewhere in the middle. They saw each other once and they thought they would never see each other again. It turned out they saw each other every week. Cali thought it was strange as Jake thought it was nice to look forward to seeing someone. He felt as if they connected because she was the first girl that looked at him ever since the incident. Cali was starting to like this once-a-week deal because just like Jake, she looked forward to seeing him every week.

Weeks turned into days and days turned into hours. They saw each other more often. He fell for her while she was falling for him. Everyone could see it. Jake was starting to be liked by people again but Jake pushed them away because they knew they only liked him and wanted to keep hanging around him just to be his rebound if he ever loses Cali. Jake failed to make real friends but Cali saw through his eyes and helped him anyways. Jake still hadn't told Cali yet but the timing was never right. But he didn't care because he had the right girl and semi-perfect life and thats all he could ask for.

Hours turned back into days and they started seeing less of each other. Cali had a Summer job and could never afford free time. That's when days became weeks again. Cali was growing and kept on growing while Jake was slowing down. He couldn't go faster, but as he strived and strived she was farther and farther away. They kept in touch by email and video chatted every wednesday but that still wasn't enough for Jake. 

Finally, it had stopped. His heart dropped and she moved on. She had greater friends and hung out with them even more everyday. Little did she know he fell...hard. He pushed her away as she tried to grasp his hand. After she was gone for another year. Cali was just visiting for the Summer but little did Jake know. He searched for her realizing the quote you never know a good thing till it's gone was true. He wanted to pull her back but he searched near and far but could never find her scent he could reconize a mile away.

As Jake was driving at night he rolled down the window and could smell the way Cali had. She smelled of lavender and curiosity. In Jakes eyes, Cali was an angle. Her hair blew in the wind and always got into her face, which she hated, but she looked cute when she had gotten mad. Her eyes glowed golden when they touched the sun. Not realizing where he was going Jake drifted off into a deep sleep and dreamt about Cali.

When he woke up he couldn't move. He couldn't see straight and his vision blurred in and out. He kept trying to scream but he could yell or speak. He felt as if he were paralized then...he blacked out.

As he lay there, he was dreaming, about Cali. They were sitting at a table in mid-day drinking smoothies. His blueberry, hers strawberry. the sun was out and the waves were crashing against the ocean. They didn't talk, only smiled and sipped. He tried to say something to her, like how beautiful she looked today or how her earring had fallen and was laying on her shoulder, but it was like his mouth was glued shut. It became hotter and brighter. He tried to stand up to go inside where it was cooler but he couldn't stand. It became brighter and hotter. Too hot for Jake to stand, too bright for him to see, then he saw the light. 

As Jake opened his eyes he saw a familiar figure. Was it right? How could that be. Then the voice said "Hello Jake". But it wasn't who he thought it was. It was his mother. She said "you have a visitor" Jake knew it couldn't be her because she had a different life and was farther away than you thought she was. Jake looked at the curtian and saw the visiting figure. The doctor slid the curtian to the right revealing the anonymous visitor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2013 ⏰

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