2. Make Over

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The red head groaned, wishing she could just be left alone to her studies but she complied, getting up and going to the living room, "Yes?" She asked.

Buttercup gave her a sickly sweet smile, "We have a proposition for you."

"Buttercup, I have a lot of studying to do, what do you need?" She sighed, annoyance bubbling through her veins as she pushed up her glasses. 

"We need help with an experiment. See it's on emotion and reaction, and honestly I think you are the only one who can help us." Buttercup sweet talked her way into the young redheads brain, picking and prodding at her.

"Buttercup, you wouldn't even step into a science class, let alone preform an experience. Now I'm going back into the kitchen to study and you aren't going to bother me." She turned to make her leave but her blue eyed sister jumped up.

"Wait, Blossom!" She ran upstairs, looking for something. From the downstairs, all you could hear was crashing, things hitting the wall and groaning. No one really knew what to do so they quietly wait for Bubbles to make her way back downstairs.

When she finally came back downstairs, her face was red and she was breathing heavily. She shoved the rectangular piece of paper at her sister, "You owe me."

The red head raised her eye brows in question, "A handmade coupon?"

It was a light pink cardstock paper, with little red hearts and big cursive letters writing,

I Owe You! Good for one use, never expires! (:
To: Bubbles Utonium
From: Blossom Utonium

Bubbles only smiled, "Yes, from you to me!"

"Bubble's, I made this for you in first grade! Heck, even Buttercup cashed hers all in by the end of the day!" Blossom complained, handing the paper back in annoyance.

Buttercup chuckled in the background, "Yeah those were a great idea, Bloss. You should make some more!"

Blossom only huffed, turning back to Bubbles, "I'm going to go back to studying and leave you all to your childish games."

Bubble's only reached out and grabbed the redhead to keep her from leaving, "But Bloss, you even wrote, never expires then an exclamation mark and smiley face!" Tears started to weld their way into the blondes big, baby blue eyes, "It's false advertising and injustice if you don't stuck to your word!"

Blossom only groaned, "Fine! I'll do it, just give me the dumb coupon and stop crying!"

The group of girls smirked at one another before Princess spoke up, "You, babes, are going to need a makeover."

Blossom groaned, glaring at her, "Am I not up to your standards?"

Princess just smirked, "No but this isn't totally about me, if you are going to get those boys wrapped around your finger you'll need to step it up a few notch on the make up. And clothes, definitely clothes."

"Boys? And what's wrong with my clothes!"

"Oh nothing's wrong, if you want to come off as a prude." The darker redhead said as casually as possible.

"That means we're going shopping!" Bubble's cried, her excitement was to hard for her to contain.

Blossom paled, "Gee, great.." She muttered sarcastically. 'This is going to be a long and painful experiment.' She thought, doing everything in her power not to sneak off.

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