Imagine Meeting The Band

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"Enjoy the show?"

Jared emerged from the curtain, the room now empty. He sat on the edge of the stage and motioned for you to join him.

"Hell yeah," you smile. "A dream come true." You pull yourself onto the stage with the help of Jared's hand and sit next to him. You couldn't help but feel special as you rested your head on his shoulder. How many girls dream of doing this?

You sit in silence for a few minutes. There was nothing to say. You didn't care how cliche it sounded in your head; you were the happiest girl in the world.

Eventually, you lift your head from his shoulder and look into his bright blue eyes. He pushes a stray hair from your face and rests his hand on your cheek. "You are so beautiful."

You blush. You suddenly remember your current situation; you had to go back to LA without Jared. You had tried not to think about it, but as the time neared, the thoughts were inevitable. Your heart -and smile- drops when you imagine another lonely month.

Jared must have been thinking the same thing as you stared into each other's eyes. "I can't disappoint them." He said softly. You nod. You understand. He can not disappoint the Echelon he promised to preform for.

"Thank you so much." These were the only words you could think to say. You wonder if Jared really knew what you were thanking him for. There were so many things.
Thank you for flying me to Europe.
Thank you for VIP tickets.
Thank you for calling me beautiful.
Thank you for being loyal to your fans.
Thank you for lyrics that changed my life.

But he nods, and the look on his face says he knows exactly what you mean.

You see someone poke their head out of the curtain in the corner if your eye. You look over to see the one and only Tomo Melecivic. He smiles and Jared motions him to come over. He comes thought the curtain, Shannon Leto right behind him. You smile with excitement.

"Shannon, Tomo, this is (Y/N)" Jared introduces you. Tomo shakes your hand and Shannon does the same. You remember Jared telling you about how much Tomo likes to smile and laugh and how Shannon may seem shy at first.

"...She a fan?" Shannon asked, confused.

Tomo elbows him. "No, this is his girlfriend! The one he won't stop talking about?"

Your cheeks go red. So you were his girlfriend. And...he won't stop talking about you?

"Right...sorry." Shannon says to you and Jared.

Jared smiles and rolls his eyes. "I'm starving. Lets go get something to eat."

You check the time on your phone. It's almost 9 o'clock. You suddenly feel a stab of hunger in your stomach. You nod in agreement.

"You can always count on Jared to find the best (and sometimes the most expensive) restaurants wherever you are," Tomo smiles. You look around at the beautiful English decorations. You sat across from Jared and next to Tomo who was across from Shannon.

On dates, you felt most comfortable across the table from the other person, you could watch them in a way that felt slightly less awkward. Dates with Jared were especially best this way as you could stare into his dreamy eyes.

You order a girly drink, which was unusual, but you didn't care.

"So, when do you go back to LA?" Shannon asked.

"Tomorrow morning," you say with a frown. Jared notices the frown and reaches across the table to hold your hand. You gently rest your hand on top of his.

"Well, now that we've met, I'm assuming we will be doing many more activities as a group?" Tomo says, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Of course," Jared nods. You nod as well. What a fun group of people to hang out with... Your favorite band.

After you had finished eating, the conversation continued, discussing past shows, personal interests, and much more. When 10:30 came around, everyone was ready to go. Jared reaches for the bill, but you were quicker.

"Y\N, I'll get it..." Jared says, but you shake your head in protest. "At least let me get the tip," he says and slides some money onto the table.

Jared walked you back to your hotel after dinner while Shannon and Tomo went back to the tour bus.

You hoped Jared didn't notice the tear escape your eye when you hugged goodbye.

Little did you know, he was having the same thought.

I'm very sorry I've been gone for a while, I just had a bit of writers block, so this chapter might not be my best....or good at all lol. Sorry again!

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