Was it a Dream?

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You and Jared were back at your apartment after a romantic dinner.

He plops down on the sofa across from the TV. "What do you wanna do, babe?"

"How about a movie?" You suggest. He smiles and nods. His smiles were so contagious. You go through a drawer beside the TV and read out the names of each movie. You come across Dallas Buyers Club and giggle.

"What?" He tries to peek over your shoulder and sees the movie in your hands. "No!"

Your giggle turns into a laugh and Jared's cheeks go red.

"You still haven't watched this?" You ask. You knew from a Jimmy Fallon interview that he didn't watch his own movies. He shook his head.

"Well, I have and its amazing," out of respect you return the movie to the drawer.

You both decide on one of Jared's favorites, Empire Of The Sun. You bring out some drinks as well.

Halfway through the movie you were already in deep conversation. You lean over and mute the TV.

You continue talking about music. He tells you about his inspiration for certain songs and videos.

The movie had ended and you didn't even notice. Maybe two hours later it was midnight. Jared rubs sleep out of his eyes and yawns.

"Tired?" You say, rolling your eyes. "Sleep is for the weak."

"No, of course not," he laughs.

"Well, don't fall asleep on my couch." You joke.

"Guess I'll let myself out?"

"You can't drive, you've been drinking."

"I get the floor then?" He says sarcastically.

"Or my bed..."

WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!? This was so unlike you, to suggest such a thing. Although you weren't really suggesting anything but a place more comfortable than the floor to sleep, but there was something about sleeping in the same bed that took things to a different level.

He smirks and you lead the way to your room, turning off the lights and TV on your way.

You lie in bed next to Jared on your usual side. You weren't touching but you were close enough to hear his steady breathing. He fell asleep fast. You had always struggled with that.

You try to clear your mind. You grab a pill bottle from your nightstand and pop a Melatonin (sleep aid) in your mouth and let it dissolve. Thankfully, sleep comes.

Your body jerks and your eyes fly open. Fucking falling dreams.

You breathe and steady your heart beat. You glance beside you and gasp when you find no one there. The bed was even made, as if nobody had been there in the first place. Did he leave? You rub your eyes. How long had you slept? You still didn't have an alarm clock and you couldn't find your phone.

Wait...was it all a dream?

It couldn't have been...

But what if it was? You'd had similar life like dreams that felt like months but it was just one night...


A lump forms in your throat and a tear escapes your eye as you jump out of bed. You scramble through the sheets to find your phone but fail to find it.

"No... JARED!" You run out of the room and into the hallway.

"No no no..." You run on the wood floors and into the kitchen. You slide and almost fall, but someone catches you.

"Jared?" You choke back tears.

"Y\N! What happened? Are you okay?" He holds you tight and hugs you. You relax. It was real.

"I thought...no, everything's okay," you try to brush it off, still in his embrace.

"You thought what?"

"Its silly...I thought I had dreamt it all," you bite your lip as more tears surface. "I tend to have realistic dreams, and when I woke up and you weren't there..." You couldn't go on.

"Hey, its okay. We're okay. I just came to get a glass of water. Let's go back to sleep, okay?"

You nod and lean on him as you walk back to your bedroom. He lies down in bed and you curl up next to him. He rubs your back.

He breaks the silence, "Hey, I just noticed, where are the decorations?"

"What? What decorations?"

"Christmas decorations...? You told me you loved Christmas. Its coming up in a few weeks."

Shit. It was already December?

"I'm working on it," you say.

You feel his body slightly move closer. You feel your own body still tense. He notices too. He wraps his arms around you and starts singing ever so softly into your ear.

"No warning sign
No Alibi
We're fading faster than the speed of light.
Took out chance
Crashed and burned.
No we'll never ever learn."

You relax. He remembered this was your comfort song. You continue with him.

"I fell apart
But got back up again"

Hello! I hope you are all having a good holiday season. I'm going to make a Christmas special but it might come out after Christmas. I'll try to get it out ASAP though. Thanks for reading! Its going to get more interesting and drama filled soon, trust me! <3

Oh, and I kinda broke my title theme, but yolo so im gonna try it out XD

Soon xoxo

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