Before time

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Even before man started to record his history my people have been set apart. Through the ages we have been called by many names, Daemons, angels, genies, fairies. But the most accurate is witches. We have always been the link between this reality and the next. Each is governed by it's own set of laws. But three laws are absolute in both of the realms. One Love can not be artificially created nor can true love be destroyed. Two Magic comes with limitations. Three the laws of the realms cannot be altered or ignored. These are called the law of stone. 

The first of us stepped through the portal from our world to theirs while man still lived in cave. In total the Ancestors numbered nine. Five women and four men. They scattered themselves to the four winds and guided man in his journey.  At first humans thought them as gods, others messenger's of the gods. As time wore on eight of the nine settled down and started families. They married and had children with the humans.

The Eight soon found that their abilities had transferred to their children even though they had human blood. Thus an entirely new race of beings were born. The Eight taught man how to farm and how to create civilizations.  Generations after generations passed until only a fraction of the magical abilities of the Eight could be found in the race. Mortal man now considered these people messengers of gods, prophets, demi-gods, healers. Those who did not fit into those categories were labeled as dangerous and mad.

Fearing for their future the eldest of the race decided to have laws put in place to keep the children of the eight safe. No longer could their abilities be practiced in public unless under the guise of a job they held. They also put in effect that the race could no longer intermarry with mortal man. Only once a generation may a child of a family marry a mortal. This ensured that the bloodline and the abilities would not fade and that they would not risk inbreeding amongst the people.

Time wore on and the Children of the Eight were lost to time. Some say  that when the first Nine came over that other creatures from their realm came with them. Thus stories of vampires, werewolves and ghosts came about. The Children of the Eight were now called Sorcerers  and witches. No one knew what happened to the final First. Many speculate that she left the realm and returned home, others say that she still roams the land.

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