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Moonlight glinted on the dark water. Boats slowly rocked back and forth on the river. Everything was quiet and still. It was as if the entire world was dead. But I knew that this was far from the truth. Nothing was ever still in the shadows and darkness. I quickly ran along the top of the wall skillfully avoiding light from the tourches of the passing gaurds. I had to reach my brother and sister in the palace.

By the time I've reached the base of the palace wall the moon has reached its apex. The constellations shine bright from their spots in the heavens. The sandstone walls of the palace looms in front of me. I quietly mutter a cloaking spell shrouding myself in inky shadows. I bring out a set of short daggers they are designed to climb vertical surfaces. I plunge them into the wall and begin to climb.

At the top is a balcony. I swing my kegs over the top of the railing and land soundlessly on the marble flooring. The room is decorated in gold and jewels. White sheer fabric hangs from the ceiling. The walls are decorated with scense depicting the deeds of my brother and sister. It is clear this is the domain of royalty or divinity. A sickly sweet scent fills the air. The scent of the rose inscense irritates my nose. I wrinkle it in disgust. Everything is gilleded. It is a paridise if not a false one. There are even remnent of offerings left scattered about on an altar in the far corner.

So this is how they have presented themselves to the mortals. As gods, when they themselves are far from Devine.

In the center there is a lavish bed with linens again of white and gold. Next to it is a craddle. I slowly creep over to it and peer inside. Lying there asleep is a little baby with hair the color of honey with skin is lightly tanned. It is no mystery who the parents are. I can feel the power coursing through its body. So they have decided to create the next generation. I think to myself.

I hear the door creek open. Laughter fills the room then stops when the two figures spot me standing over the baby.
"Step away from the child if you value your pathetic life." A deep baritone growls. I havent heard that voice in centuries. When I make no move to retreat from the child the woman speaks this time.
"We shall tell you once more, step away from the child." Her voice is like the call of a dove. I decide to step away just keep a fight from breaking out. Once I have retreated to a far enough place the woman rushes over to the side of the craddle. Scooping up the child she looks for any injuries. When she is satsified that I had not harmed her child she returns to her partners side.

"Who are you and what did you want with our child?" The man enquires.

"Has it been so long that you have forgotten your sister?" I reply stepping into the torchlight removing my hood and cape. My midnight hair tumbles down around my shoulder. I know my silver eyes look unatural in the light.

"You." He states without inflection. The woman gasps a takes a step further back. "I thought you had faded back into the shadows from whence you came." He snarls at me.

"And here I thought that we were sent here to help the mortals. Not parade around like gods." I reply with a snarl of my own. Since we came here centuries ago they have ignored my warnings about playing god.

There is a scoff that comes from the woman.
"The mortals are the ones who put us on the pedistals of divinity. We merley play the part. Who are we to argue." She answers with a mocking tone.

I take a moment to look over their atire. They are both dressed in matching robes. He has a crown upon his head. The trimings on his robe are still the same color. She has a headdress with jewels made to look like flowers. Khol lines both of their eyes, she has more cosmetic such as ruby lipstick and golden eyeshadow. They look every bit the parts they play. Their eyes are stern and arrogant. They are drunk on their own power.

"I didnt not come here to argue on ethics. I came to warn you." I say holding up a hand in a gesture of peace.

"Warn us. Of what?" The woman inquires.

"The shadows of our world are starting to cross over." I answer with a sense of foreboding. "Our rift never closed properly and now someone on the other side has opened it again allowing shadows to take form in this world."

"That is impossible. Only the magic council can open the rift." The man counters.

"While they are only smaller shadows now, I fear that larger ones may come soon. Brother, sister please help me, I cannot do it alone." I implore them. "For the sake of the mortals and the next generation. I have tried to take to the others but they will not listen."

For a moment they seem to ponder my request. But ultimatley they turn back to me with cold eyes.

"We are no longer your brother and sister. We are now Oasiris and Isis, and we shall not bow to your request." The man steelely states. Now I know that I am alone in this world. My brothers and sisters have turned their backs on me.

"Brother." I murmmur weakly.

"No. You are on your own. From this day forth you shall be known as Anubis the harbinger of destruction. If we ever see you again your life shall be forfiet. So run, run, Anubis."

With a look of defeat and horror I flee into the night. I run until I reach the bank of the nile. My knees collapse underneath me. Tears drip from my eyes.

"Enough." I snap at myself. "So they wish for me to be the harbinger of destruction so be it. If they will not fight the shadows I will." Right then I vow to never help them or any of their children ever again. With one last sigh I push my self up. Staring at the moon I say a final farewell to my brothers and siters. I can no longer linger. Turning away from the light. I melt back into the shadows to begin my war.

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