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Immortality isnt all its cracked up to be. I figured this out very quickly after coming to the mortal plane. I watched as thousands of lives ran their course in front of my eyes while I never changed. I once planted an acorn and watched it grow into a 50 year old tree just for fun. When you have eternity time starts to be meaningless. I mastered the spells in the tome after continuous practice for 100 years. I wandered the earth destroying shadows where I could find them. Every now and then I would meet a child of the eight and spend sometime with them helping cultivate their gifts. They were all gifted with long life but none knew the curse of immortality. Eventually they died as well. Centuries came and went. I floated through time like a butterfly never staying at one place too long.

I was alone for centuries until I broke down and created a familiar. I had once vowed never to chain any being into my service. I broke that vow when I found a small puppy and kitten on a stromy night.


Summer storms are always horrible, especially when they are a cold rain. Im still walking to my destination of a little hamlet about 20 miles away. Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles thats when I hear it. A faint whimpering coming from somewhere in the forest. What creature would be out in this miserable wheather I ask myself. I start to look around.

I come upon an old rotted log. This is where the whimpering is coming from. I kneel down in the mud and peer inside. There hudled in the darkness is a pure white dog. He ist wrapped around a black kitten. They were both soaking wet and shivering. I started to reach for them when the dog snapped. I immediately pull my hand back there is single drop of blood on my hand. I silently stare at it until it heals over. I try again to reach the animals this time I allow them to see my eyes I try to convey that I mean them no harm. The dog finally relents and permits me to remove them both from the log. I place both in my pack then put my pack under my cloak.  I must hurry to the inn or they will die.

I push my body to go faster. The wind and rain are pelting me with enough ferocity to sting. I can finally see the lights of the town. I push open the door to the in and the wind slams it into the wall. The sound jolts the innkeeper out of a stupor.

"Who goes there?" He demands in a gruff tone. He is a middle aged man with thinning grey hair and an expanding gut.

The interior of the inn is nothing special. There is a bar to order food, drink and purchase a room. Table and chairs are scattered around. A few even have patrons sleeping off the alcohol they had comsumed. There is a fireplace with the last of the dying embers in it.

Turing back to the innkeeper I respond while throwing the correct amount of money on the counter. "Just a soaking traveller in need of shelter and rest for the nigh. That should cover it."

The innkeeper retrieves the bag and smiles. "Of course. Right this way." He motions for me to follow.
He leads me up a flight of stairs. We stop at the room at the end of the hall. He hands me my key and bids me good night.

Pushing my way through the door the first thing I notice is the smell of mold. Looks like the innkeeper is too cheap to take care of all the rooms.  In the corner sat a disused fireplace. The lack of fire gave the room a wet and chilly feeling. That would be the first problem addressed. The bed, is dusty from age and neglect. Worn and tattered blankets lay haphazardly both of and on the furniture. Next to it a small battered nightstand with a candle holder on it with a halfway used candle still in it. There is even a rickety table and a single chair near the fire place.

I feel my cloak shift and rustle. The puppy gives a soft whimper indicating its wish to be free in the hopes of getting warmth. The bed is the only logical place to set the precious cargo. I take of my cloak and lay it on top of the disgusting bed linens. Lowering the poor creature down I try to wrap them the best I can and make them comfortable. The kitten does not stir when the puppy once again wraps itself around it. The room is too cold for them to get any better. The shadows are creeping in and the cold will soon drain the life from them. 

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