Nightmare 18: Reduced

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As he raised the gun up to his ear, his energy rose even more. His hand was at a major deviation of what you guessed was well over a couple inches. It looked like the gun was going to fall from his grip at any minute.

Jeff closed his eyes.

"I love you," he said.

And you heard a bang.


You were snapped out of your daze as you realized that the silence had lasted long enough and Jeff's hand was getting colder. You were ready for the blood to hit your face, but it never did.

You shot your lids open and looked over at him. He was staring at the center of the table with the widest eyes a human could possibly have. He had the most fearful expression written all over his face, and his grip on the gun was getting lighter.

"Now you've ruined the fun," Smiley muttered.

The bullet had just grazed Jeff's hair. If his hand hadn't been as shaky as it was, there is a high probability that he would have been dead. You were so relived to see that you didn't have that much guilt left in your system.

"Am I dead?" Jeff asked while holding on to the same expression.

"No, you're not," the doctor said, "so we'll just end the game here."

Smiley stood up and left the kitchen immediately. You heard a door slam down the hallway and a couple bangs from his room. He seemed extremely mad. It was almost like his plans were thrown back in his face. For a second, victory flashed in your mind, but you quickly shut away the image as you remembered that you didn't have only one enemy, and Smiley wasn't done with you yet either.

"(y/n)," Jeff mumbled with a monotone cry. He started to squeeze your hand tighter as the gun fell onto the floor. "I almost just died, (y/n)."

You nodded as you started to cry again.

"I... I almost... I almost left you alone... with that man," he stuttered. "I was almost the cause of your death too!"

Too? He caused someone else's demise as well? Was he not telling you something? He was supposed to have major memory loss.

"Did you remember something?" you asked, getting completely off topic.

Jeff wiped his eyes as he brought you in for a hug, and it seemed like he didn't plan on letting go.

"I saw something when I woke up," he whispered. "I saw a picture of something..."

You hugged him tighter and pulled back after a moment to see his face.

"I saw a picture of a boy that looks kind of like me," he rambled in an uneasy voice. "And I... I was stabbing him."

You widened your eyes. "Who is he?" you asked.

"I don't know," he muttered as he shook his head. His eyes began to shine with water again.

"Listen," you said. "We can take this chance to run. We can talk about everything some place else, okay?"

You didn't have to keep playing in that stupid tournament of death if you ran away. Smiley was obviously flustered, so it was the perfect opportunity to fly past his security. You wouldn't get another chance.

Jeff nodded and started to stand up, but it was obvious that he was still weary over that experience. You feared that it would scar him for life, though it could very well do the same to you.

You took his hand and led him over to the front door. You reached up and undid the locks that were holding the frame in place. With Jeff's help, you pulled off the wooden planks connected to the walls.

You heard a creak down the hallway, so you quickly swung the front door open as wide as it could go and took off running.

You didn't care about where you were going or what you might encounter. All that mattered was that Jeff was running right by your side, and you were free from the pit of torment.

The trees darted past your face as the red moon in the sky began to enlarge itself. It dyed all the leaves in crimson, but the color faded as you got farther away from the cabin of death. The scarlet on Jeff's jacket was the only remaining evidence of bloodshed.

You stopped in your tracks.

"Why did you stop?" Jeff asked, looking back at you.

"People will stare at this if we have it," you mumbled. You slid off his jacket and threw it on the ground.

"Let's hurry... I think I hear someone," he replied.

You both started to run again, but you secretly turned back and retrieved the syringe from the hoodie pocket. You didn't know when you would use it, but you knew that it had some sort of deeper meaning to you.

You quickly caught up with Jeff as he neared the main road.

Stress left your mind at the sight of it. The light of day was shining upon the very opening of the dark woods. You could see the glittering rays casting an epiphany on the entire situation. You felt pure and stable again.

"Should we tell the police?" Jeff asked as he stood at the barrier between the good side and the dark side.

"No," you said, "that would only give Smiley a lead on us."

You gazed into his crystal colored eyes and took his hand. He smiled at you and faced the open road once again.

That was it. Red pill or blue pill. It was your choice.

You stepped onto the pavement as the final nail unscrewed itself and fell back into the tool box. It wasn't completely obliterated, but just saved for later. You were extending the deadline of the project.

The sky opened up and let out a heavy rain. You had never understood what freedom was until you experienced a time without it. That rain felt so real, and it was free. It had a life of its own in its little cycle. You felt one with the rain and the sky- free and without misery.

"We're okay now," Jeff sighed, "right?"

"Of course," you smiled. "Everything is perfectly fine now."

Sweet Insomnia [Book 2] [Jeff the Killer x Reader] [JTK]Where stories live. Discover now