Nightmare 28: Reluctance

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Knees firmly planted on the ground, you sat on your feet. Jeff stood next to you with the stance of a hero. His bipolar change wisped at his hair and tugged at his jacket.

"Jeff," you mumbled. "I think I'm okay with running again."

"No," he replied, keeping his eyes locked on the antagonist. "Our lives don't matter anymore."

The girl giggled.

"You're idiots for coming back here. Don't cha know that black-haired girls in white dresses are unlucky?" she mocked.


"Shut the hell up, you fucking bitch!" Jeff snapped.

You stared at him with awe as his anger exploded and roared at the speed of a red sun. A fire boomed inside his heart and scorched the skyline like a chariot of heat might chastise the falling snow. The fumes surrounding him melted into a spinning shaft of refute and contradiction.

"You're not even as evil as you say you are! You're an inexperienced child!" he yelled.

"Excuse me?" Blair asked with a dark tone. "I didn't think the wolf would ever talk back."

You looked at the objects scattered around you and spotted a large rock a couple feet away. It was probably the one you fell off, but you classified it as the one that would save your life. Glancing beyond it, you sent your vision into the woods that would lead to your escape. They held the utmost sense of hope.

"Don't get any ideas, girly," Blair said, directing you away from your plan. "There's no point."

"Why?" you asked. "No point in what?"

The girl smiled and muttered, "You won't be leaving here."

"How are you sure that your plan's gonna work?" Jeff asked. "That doctor ditched you last time and we're way stronger than-!"

"Smiley is a dirty, little traitor!" she snapped. "The only reason you're alive right now is because he chose to go against me!"

Her eyes quickly cooled as she coughed lightly. "I wouldn't expect that to happen again," she stated.

Jeff gazed at you longingly as his fingers laid limp and dull.

Blair had the intent to kill. Her pupils were lined with sinister rope and her mouth was as dark as the reaper's throat. Her demonic laughter was that of a sociopath and the only thing you could see was a minotaur loitering in her place.

"I don't get it," Jeff said. "I don't understand why we're being targeted. What did we even do?"

"You killed my sister, dammit!" Blair screamed. "So I get to kill you!"

"No," you said. "You don't have that right."

The girl shot her eyes over to you and pierced your skin. "What did you just say?" she questioned.

"I said that it's not your job," you replied. "You'll be just as bad as him!"

"Says the girl that killed-!"

"Shut up!" Jeff yelled.

Killed who? You killed someone?! When? Where?! What in the world was she talking about? Your face was growing with confusion as the intensity of your vines were smashed together and crushed under the weight of your mind. A demon crawled out as you interrogated yourself. Who really were you?

You decided to keep your mouth shut from that point forward. Why would you want to keep questioning? Well, why wouldn't you? What made you decide that silence was bliss?

Was it fate or was it fear?

Jeff called your name and muttered, "Just say there. I'm gonna take care of this one."

You knew what he was doing.

Blair revolted, "Oh, really now, Jeffy boy? You seem to have a lot of courage for a cancer patient!"


The rain finally fell from the dark blue skies and acted like acid to the petrified clouds.

"What are you... talking about?" Jeff asked with a surprised look on his face that looked exactly like the one on yours.

"You heard me," Blair said. "Is that something you forgot?"

It seemed like Jeff's heart was then smashed to pieces- like someone took a hammer and destroyed the last extra nail, suddenly turning around and demolishing all the remaining hooks as well. Even though Jeff's stance changed so dramatically, you could tell that his subconscious hadn't been touched.

Blair took that opportunity to send her blade into his shoulder, twisting and turning it so that a small ditch was created in his skin.

You bolted towards the enemy and pushed her to the ground. Quickly regaining her senses, she flipped you around and cut a long line on your arm. Carelessly, she jumped back up and retreated towards the safety of a couple meters' distance.

"And that's only a sample of what's to come for you two," she said.

A flashback played in your mind of the time that you were at a loss for memories. Well, you still didn't know everything, but there was a time during those ten days that you didn't have a care at all. You ignorantly called Jeff your home and believed the words that he spoke. In the beginning, you had full trust in him, and you were the one that sent the thought down. You were the one that decided to give up and live on the defense.

But you weren't the one that destroyed your life.

Nothing you did was ever going to affect the outcome of it. Sure, you could have killed Jeff or Smiley, but in the end, you would still be the same person living out the same life that you were destined to live from the beginning.

Truth is... Fate doesn't exist. It's what you make it.

And you made it a monster.

Jeff didn't seem phased by what had happened to him. The adrenaline most likely reached his wound and started to numb the area. Thankfully, he was thinking about retaliation and his plan of survival for the future. It was strange timing, but there was a chance that it would be your ticket out.

Blair placed her hand on her hips, the other holding the metal blade. It had red drip, drip, dripping off of the tip, slowly falling to the ground. The puddle below wasn't great in size, but it held more sin than you could even imagine.

You glanced up at Jeff who stood wounded and dirtied.

"You're gonna fucking pay!" he cried.

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