Chapter One: Welcome "Home" Chris!

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  • Dedicated to Kassie Leigh Orton

[Skip bold to pass my little intro]

Hello my lovely readers!(: This is the first chapter book I've posted to wattpad. It is SOOO hard to pass a page though! :/ I hope you like it, comment vote fan library all that good stuff.  



    Christopher Atkins had entered his new bedroom. His family had gone on a family vacation to St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. He had been excited for a long time but not so much anymore. He had a feeling that this vacation wasn't going to be as he hoped.

    The car ride over was a complete mess. He sat next to his brother, David, and behind his mother. His mother had her window down the whole drive over which made Chris very uncomfortable and cold. For some reason, his parents would not let him go anywhere else, even though it was a van. That's just the weird, obnoxious, Atkins way.  

    The bedroom was a perfect square with two windows in the back. The two windows had sets of beautiful curtains dropping off the sides. They were white with bright purple splatters all along the sides. At the top rested a clean, white bar.  He looked around for an air conditioner. While examining the room, Christopher's little brother, David, slammed the door open, holding his toy at his hip.

    "It's so hot here," David moaned, "I'm ready to leave." He was standing there with his hair in a mess. The heat had already gotten to it. He was only seven so it didn't matter. Chris was fourteen going-on-fifteen, though, so he had to keep his hair looking good. 

    "We can't leave you idiot, we're stuck here for a month," Chris replied with a nasty look.

    David rolled his eyes and left. It agitated Chris that he didn't shut the door. He could feel hot air coming from outside the room. He forced himself to walk to that door to shut it.

    The floor was very noisy. Every step Chris took on it would result in an annoying moan. The floor moaned. It moaned like an old woman, kind of. Almost like the floor was alive.

    Christopher began scanning the room again. He could hear his parents arguing downstairs. His mom kept complaining about how terrible it was here and his Dad was complimenting it - after all, it was his idea. While listening to them fight, Chris could see marks on the floor. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know that was where an old bed was. He then checked inside the closet, where he found 2 coat hangers hiding freely on the rack. It also had two big boards on the side. "A nice place to put my stuff," he thought. Of course, Dad then slammed his door open.

    Christopher sighed. "Yes, Dad?"

    "Well?! Is it great or is it great?" Dad asked, not being sarcastic at all.

    "Yeah it's wonderful," Chris said, making up for his Dad's lost sarcasm.

    "See, look here," Dad said, opening his closet and pointing at the two boards, "You can put all your stuff right up there. It should fit well."

    "Yeah I saw that, Dad," Chris replied, looking out the window. This whole house was sorrounded by wood and swamp.

    "I have to go back downstairs now. Wash up, son, dinner will be ready in a few," Dad said. Chris could tell that he felt high and mighty because he got the house that he thought was so amazing.

    Christopher couldn't help but daze off looking out the window. It was a pretty view if you could get past the trees. The trees were mostly every day trees you'd see in the woods. The house rested on the top of an old, leafy hill. You could see the sky pretty well since the house was above everything else. If you looked down, you could see the nasty swamp goo in the hill's valley. To top it all off, it was entering fall, so while Christopher was there he could watch the leaves change colors and there were a lot of them. In fact, autumn was his favorite season. He thought it was Earth's little way of rebirthing itself. 

    When Chris was a child, he remembered back when his grandfather was alive. They would play in the autumn leaves all day long. It was almost like a tradition for them to do that. Sometimes with a little persuasion, they could get his grandmother to come play with them too. 

    Chris went downstairs, walked past Mom who gave him a smile, and went outside. He slowly crept to the back of the van to get his suitcase. He had to dig through a bunch of his Mom's things. She brought everything you would need to live in a mansion and then some. Finally, Chris saw his spotted luggage bag in the very back. This was the first time he could actually see all of the bags compared and he definitely had the ugliest one. He grinned.

    Walking back, Chris could hear leaves crunching in the distance behind him. He couldn't help but shake the feeling he was being watched. Turning around, he was surprised to see nothing - nothing but leaves and twigs. Hundreds of thousands of leaves and twigs were around this house. He brushed it off his shoulders. Before he opened the door, it felt as if a ghost walked through him. He felt a cold - an icy chill run down his spine; the feeling of being watched. He didn't think anything more of it. He ran up the stairs to the bedroom to unpack.

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