Chapter Four: Too Much Moon

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Chris woke up in the morning light. Actually, no, it wasn't morning. It was evening. The sunlight shined down on him. It poured onto his face and into his soul. His eyes began to burn.

He saw wooden boards everywhere. They were scattered across a 10 foot diameter.

His face was scuffed. His hands were rough. His eyes were burning. His legs were bleeding. 

The last thing he remembered was praying that he wouldn't be eaten alive in the light of the full moon. He actually prayed. He wasn't a very religious boy, either.

Looking around, he saw blood. He saw guts. Blood and guts were spread everywhere at his feet. The inside of a man was all around him. Gore. Death. You name it, it was there. He was petrified. He had no idea what to do. Was this the man he heard last night? When he turned around, there lay a skull. A bloody, nasty, skull; complete gore. If he hadn't been traumatized before, this is what did it. He had no clue what to do or where to go. He was in the middle of the woods and he had just survived a werewolf attack.

Chris felt like he was standing in a bubble of death and agonizing gore. 

He slowly backed away from all of it. He wanted this vacation to end before anyone ELSE got hurt. He wanted to just go back home and forget all of this. His feet was covered in blood. He was literally standing in it. The thing that surprised him was that it was very fresh. It was still liquid, actually.

With his ripped clothes, he started to run home. He thought he could see it from the cabin last night but it was nowhere now. Actually, he thought he was farther away than he was last night because the woods weren't as thick. 

He ran anyways. Farther and farther, he dashed. He dashed faster than he ever had. His blond hair was blowing in the wind - well, there was no wind. It was as still as death. 

He came across a large area with no trees at all. It was as square as a box and as clear as glass. The grass came up to his knees. He had no clue where to go or where to turn. You could call that place a field, actually. He walked to the very middle of it and sat down. At least he was safe there. He was still terrified that he would be lost, though. Then and there, Chris Atkins realized he was lost. All he could do was accept it. There was nothing else he could do.

For some reason, the panicking only hit him just now. He stood back up and ran in a random direction. Into the woods, he just kept running. The sun was about to go down again. He had enough moonlight for one vacation. He came across another old cabin, much smaller than the last one, but he didn't wanna look at it. He still ran away.

"Hey, Kid!" someone from behind him called. Chris was so happy to hear a voice that didn't want to kill him.

Chris turned around to see an old man with long gray hair and a bog-in to top. 

"You! Can you please help me? My family is in an old rental house somewhere around here but I think I'm lost. Do you know where it is?" Chris asked. He was so desperate.

The man's eyes widened. "You tell your family to get out of that house as soon as possible. Go in that direction. If you have good eyes you can kind of see it from here."

Sure enough, Chris could. Without even giving the old man a second glance, he ran for it. He ran until his legs were ready to fall apart. His lower half was still soaked in blood and guts. It had already dried and cracked.

Walking up to his door, he slammed it open. He had never been so happy to be home, even though this wasn't home. No one was in that house. He could feel evil, though. There were human insides all over the tables and floor. It was...his family. His little brother David was the only body that was still attached. He was on the floor with his whole body spread out. His legs were stretched to the bottom and his arms were stretched to the top. Well, one arm. 

In David's left palm was a teddy bear. It was in the arm that was lain across his body. It wasn't disassembled. It wasn't even touched. Someone had put it there - but who?

Chris screamed. He screamed loud enough to penetrate anyone's soul. His whole family had been murdered. He was the only one left.

He passed out on the floor.


Chris woke up. It was night time again and nothing had moved since he hit the floor. The only thing different would be a dent in the floor from where Chris fell. 

He stood back up. For some reason it was much easier to see his family than it was earlier. His mother was in the kitchen on her knees. Her body was over the chair. His father was the worst of all. He was slashed. He was cut. He was bloody. He was completely murdered. 

Chris smiled. He had no idea why but he did. Almost as if he was happy about that. Seeing David again made his smile fall apart. He looked back and dad and sure enough the smile resurrected.

Chris slowly walked out the door. He could see so much better in the moonlight tonight. He looked back up at the moon. It was beautiful, and 90% of a full moon. 

His head was fully tilted back. His mouth dropped and Chris began to howl.

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