Chapter 19

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"That doesn't explain why he hates me so much," Kat says.

"I don't think he hates you Kat," he turns her head to face him.

"Then why did he slap me across the face like I wasn't his flesh and blood," she asks, angry now.

"I can't tell you that," he lets go of her.

"Why not?"

"It'll hurt you."

"I've been okay with everything so far Damon, I think I can handle it."

"No this. It's too painful for you, me, okay," he asks, holding her hand.

She sighs, "okay."

"That's my girl," he smiles, then he frowns, "are you sure you don't want me to heal you?"

"Yeah," she nods, "I'm sure," she purses her lips together.

"Alright then," he pauses for a minute, watching her expression intently, "and, one more thing, Klaus wants us both to meet him at his place to go over strategies on how to get rid of Tyler."

Kat then remembers Tyler showing up in her room last night. She doesn't know weather to tell Damon about it or not. It can't be important. It'll just make him angry. She thinks

"Okay," she nods.

"Lets go," he helps her off the couch.

"Wait, right now," she asks panicking. They'll see the hand mark on her face.

"Yeah. Is there a problem," he looks into her eyes.

"No, not really," she sighs.

"Yes, there is," he sits her back down on the couch, "we can go another time."

"No," she stands back up, "this is important."

"And so are you."

"But this is far more important."

"No it's not," he says frowning at her.

"Okay," she holds up her hands, not wanting to fight, "lets go then."

They both walk out the door and get into his car. It takes them 20 minutes to get to Klaus's house. mainly because Damon was going way over the speed limit. When the stop in the huge driveway, he opens the door for her. They walk up the marble steps. Damon opens the door.

"Doesn't he ever lock his door," she asks.

"No, we're vampires. No one would ever tress pass onto our property unless they wanted to die," he smirks, looking around.

Then, out of nowhere, Klaus pops up in front of them. "Katerina," he smiles, then, it fades away when he sees the red hand print on her face, "what happened to your face," he asks genuinely. 

"Nothing," she touches the bruise, she winces, still feeling the sting.

"Her father," Damon explains, frowning. No doubt he's planning on how he would kill him.

"Do we need to tear him to pieces," Klaus asks, angry as well.

"No," she shakes her head smiling sadly, "thanks for the offer though."

They are both still frowning. "This way," Klaus leads them both upstairs to a room with a huge round table. There are red silk curtains covering the windows, but the light is very bright. Everyone is here. Bonnie the  witch, Lexi the vampire, Caroline, Stefan, Elijah, and Rebekah. There are three people she doesn't recognize. A guy who looks like he's still in high school. He has brown shaggy hair, sort of pale skin, and nice muscle tone. Another guy who looks like he's in his thirties, He has light brown shaggy hair like the other guy, and a tired look on his face. There is a girl with long staight red hair, she looks manipulative and bitchy.

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