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I wake up with an arm wrapped around my waist and the memories of the night before come flooding back, I prise Kian's arm off me and try and get out of his bed as quietly as possible. He stirs but only to turn over, I grab my clothes off the back off the chair and exit his room, I accidentally bump into someone.


"Sorry" I quickly turn round and see Sam, he smiles when I face him.

"So is that where you went to last night? Lucy was wondering where you were. Are you sneaking out?" he smirks.

"No,no I just .. urm realised I'd left Lucy alone and..." I tail off.

"You don't need to explain to me, you wouldn't be the first girl to have snuck out of Kian's room. Nice clothes by the way" he laughs and goes into the room next to Kian's.

I run quickly down the stairs and find Lucy on the same couch that I left her on last apart from now, she's fast sleep. I lightly shake her shoulder,


"Huh" she says her eyes still closed.

"Wake up, we've got to go" I whisper loudly, trying not to disturb any of the other bodies sleeping around Luce.

"What time is it?" she mumbles.

I check my phone, "seven thirty"

"In the morning?"

"YES NOW GET UP!" I whisper harshly.

Approximately a minute and a half later, we're on our way to the nearest Starbucks.

"So, this is your version of a fuck and chuck?" she laughs.

"We didn't do anything, I just slept in his bed and when I woke up I realised that I am acting like a single girl and I'm not, and then I realised it was a terrible mistake when I bumped into Sam and he told me it wouldn't be the first time a girl has snuck out of Kian's room" I sigh.

"Kayla, don't take it to heart! Kian's a YouTube sensation, he's bound to have girls throwing themselves at him, and you aren't exactly a nun" she defends him as we go to the drivethrough, "Please can I have two Iced Caffè Latte's?"

We pay and drive off; I reach into the back and get a face wipe, wiping off the remnants of last night, passing Lucy one too.

"I also forgot to compliment you on your amazing new outfit too" she laughs taking a sip of her drink.

"Thanks" I glare, "I just don't think I could deal with all that"

"It's because you've been with Chris for so long, you need to play the field a bit" she suggests.

"I don't think I could, I'd get too attached, I know I would" I sigh sipping my drink, "Why weren't you in someone's bed last night? Instead I found you of the sofa."

"You'd learn! Although I'd say you were pretty smitten with our little Kian already. And you told me not to move, so I didn't" she laughs.

"Aw you cutie" I grin, "But I don't know, I just fall too deep quickly and he probably has girls throwing themselves at him, I'm just going to play it cool"

Kian's POV

"Why the fuck would she just leave?!?" I scream and lay back on the couch.

"I don't know man, did you go rough last night?" Sam laughs.

I glare at him, "fuck you man, we didn't even do anything just cuddle! She's got a boyfriend and I behaved! I did nothing wrong!"

"I don't see what the problem is? Just ring Ashley or something?" Dom chirps up.

"It's not the same! I don't care about Ashley" I sigh, holding the bridge of my nose.

"Did you see her last night? She was fuming! The fact you flung her to one side as soon as you laid eyes on Kayla" Ricky laughs.

"Why don't you just ring her?" Trev asks, he came round this morning so we can do some collabs for the O2L channel and the other boys filled him in.

"And seem eager?! What the hell did I do to make her leave, not even leave, sneak out" I was the perfect gentleman, okay maybe not gentlemen but I didn't even try and kiss her or anything. It was shock when I saw her there, the beautiful girl from Instagram, standing before me in my own house. I had to take a second glance, never in a million years did I think she would actually turn up and WOW in that outfit!

"She does look good in the morning though" Sam chuckles.

"The fuck?" I turn to look at him.

"Yeah, I saw her leaving your room, I didn't think she was going to leave! I honestly thought she was going to find her fit friend" he looks sheepish.

"What did you say to her?" I roll my eyes, we all know Sam isn't subtle.

"Erm nothing much, just said to her where was she going, nice clothes, and oh shit, I said not the first girl I've caught sneaking out of your room" he runs away before I can slap him silly.

"See, just ring her Ki, sounds like a misunderstanding" Connor gives me a pitiful smile.

"Do you think I'll look desperate?"

"No of course not, go on otherwise she'll think you're ignoring her. She's been gone about 5 hours" he looks at his watch.

I grab my phone out of my jeans pocket and press her name in my phonebook, after what seems like forever I hear a quiet "Hello"

"Heyy, how are you? Did you get home okay?" I mumble.

"I'm good, you? And yes thank you"

"Uh huh, just a bit confused"

She sighs, "Why?"

"I went to sleep with you in my bed and woke up on my own, what's that about?"

"Sorry, I don't know I just woke up and had to go"

"Had to?"

"I have a boyfriend, what did I think I was doing?"

"We did NOTHING wrong Kayla"

"Try telling that to Chris, I just can't..."

"What else is bothering you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Sam told me what he said to you, he had no right"

"But there was some truth in it, it didn't come from nowhere"

"Well why didn't you just come in and hit me or something, we could have spoken about it but no, you ran"

"I think you're forgetting we've only met once, we owe each other nothing"

"Okay well if that's how you feel"


"No you're right, we owe each other nothing. We're just friends. What are you doing right now?" I sigh, I don't really want to argue with her and I don't want to lose her.

"Just lay on my bed waiting for my mom to finish cooking Sunday dinner, you?"

"Trev's here so we're going to film a Our 2nd Life collab, apart from that not a lot, you still need to watch some of my videos"

"Hmm what if I say you're currently on my laptop screen"

"Hmmm Miss Todd, I would perhaps say that you are to some extent a stalker" inside I feel slightly giddy!

"You love it" her laughter rings through my ears.

"Maybe I do"

"I, urm, I gotta go my mom just shouted me to set the table, I'll speak to you later?"

"Speak to you later beautiful"

I hang up, smiling like a kid at Christmas.

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