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"Good morning" I hear as I flutter my eyes open.

I smile, "Morning"

"You realise this is the 3rd time you've stayed in my bed and the first time I've woken up and you've still been here" he raises his eyebrows.

"I know, did you set an alarm?!" I tease.

He widens his eyes, "Did you hear it?" but before he can get to the end of the sentence his eyes crinkle to show he's joking.

"In all honesty, I was staying anyway" I look up at him and stroke his face.

"Good, would you like to go for breakfast?" he nuzzles into my neck.

"Yes, yes I would. I need to get changed but I am very much up for eating" I laugh.

"Sounds good to me, about what I said last night..." he trails off.

"About meeting your family? Of course I'll go with you Kian, we're friends" I smile.

"Yeah..friends. Anyway, it's next weekend, we can leave on Friday afternoon and come back on Sunday" he explains.

"Not to sound ungrateful, but why have you chosen to ask me? Why not Sam, JC, Ricky or anyone?" I ask.

"It just means we get time together, there's always someone interrupting up, it'll be good to get our rela-friendship back on track. Anyway, let's get up because otherwise we'll miss the start of classes as well" he grumbles, turning round and getting out of bed. He's just in his boxers, I watch as he walks round his room picking some clothes to wear, I smile to myself, then realise he's looking at me with a weird look on his face. I blush at getting caught staring then get out of bed myself putting on last night's outfit, Kian disappears and comes back a few minutes later dressed in black skinny jeans and a white tee. He takes my hand as we make our way downstairs, Sam's coming up the stairs and grins, "Nice to not see you sneaking off!" I laugh but Kian punches him in the arm.


We pull up into the car park of a small café near campus after having Kian drop me at home to have a quick shower and get changed. I also grabbed my books in case we were running late, you know being the organised human being that I am.

A waitress seats us in a corner booth, greets us both and takes our drinks orders. I scan the menu knowing that I want pancakes with bacon and maple syrup already, I see a flash in the corner of my eye and look up to see Kian looking guilty.

"Oops, forgot to turn the flash off" he chuckles.

"Why are you so obsessed with me" I laugh, "Shouldn't I be the one talking stalker pictures of you, I mean I'm with THE one and only Kian Lawley"

"Erm, excuse me I saw you ogling me before!" he purses his lips but looks amused.

"Okay, then we're even" I stick my tongue out.

"For now, do you know we don't have any pictures together? That's crazy, I've known you for ages now, it's been like 6 weeks. Oh shit, that isn't that long, it feels like forever" he gets lost in his own conversation.

"Yeah but we haven't been on the best of terms. But now that's all sorted and look at us, being all civil, ordering breakfast and shit. If you want a picture with me, just ask no need to fan girl" I smirk, I scoot next to him and smile as he takes a selfie, "Make sure you tag me in it"

"I'm not going to put it on Instagram, you'll get easily recognised and fangirls are great but they get easily annoyed of new girls in our lives" he explains.

"But we're just friends Ki" I frown.

"Okayyyy, but don't say I didn't warn you" he raises his eyebrows and he posts the photo, tagging me in it. Within minutes my phone is buzzing with comments on the photo, he was so right, lots of people were commenting, speculating who I was. I get a notification from Kian's twitter saying he's tweeted reassuring everyone that we are just friends.

"Okay, maybe you were right. But you need to realise that I don't know your lifestyle, I'm trying" I smile, he takes my hand across the table.

"I know you are, that's one thing I really like about you is that you like me for me, not O2L Kian or SuperKian13" he rubs his thumb over my palm.

"SuperKian13? Really?" I laugh.

"I was young!" he defends himself as the waitress brings us our breakfast. We dig in just chatting about the day ahead, we've both got college in around half an hour so we pay when the waitress comes back.

"Shall I pick you up after class?" he asks reaching for my hand again.

"It's like a 5 minute walk to mine, plus I think there is something I have to do. But I'll call you?" I smile, I had someone I had to see and I'd been thinking about it all morning.


It was after college and I'd made my way home, I hadn't seen my best friend since last night although I had text her this morning to let her know where I was going and she replied saying she thought I'd gone with Kian which is why she'd followed the boys to play a game of beer pong, ending up in JC's bed with JC and Sam. I don't think she knows who she likes and I'm too involved with my own love life at the moment. I hear a knock on my door which interrupts my thoughts.

I open the door and smile, "hey, come in"

"You good? How was last night?" Joey asks as he sits himself on the bed we've shared so many take away and films nights on.

"Good and good" I laugh, "I think we need to talk Joey" I sit opposite him on the bed.

"If this is about last night.." he starts, I cut him off, "Yeah it kinda is, but I just feel like we should stop whatever this is now whilst we're such good friends. I really like Kian, I just don't think it's fair we're just stringing each other a long. You mean a lot to my sister and I, so I really don't want to ruin this"

He nods, "I understand, but I really do fucking like you"

"I know you do, I really like you too, but me and Kian just hit it off a while ago and I really didn't think I would see him again" my cheeks start to hot up as I realise the feelings I have for Kian.

"It's cool, Kayla. I get it, I'm sorry I wasn't good enough" he sighs standing up and walking to the door.

"It wasn't like that, I swear. We haven't done anything, thank you for the last few weeks. You're a sweet guy, the girl from last night is lucky" I join him at the door and kiss his cheek.

"Kian needs to realise how lucky he is, I'll see you soon" he shuts the door behind him as I sigh and lay back on my bed. How could I promise myself that I wasn't going to get involved but here I was, binning off a perfect, sensible guy for unpredictable Kian. Was I going to regret this?

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