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It's been a week since I moved into my college dorm room, and it looks like something out of an Ikea catalogue. I'm so glad I chose to come to UCLA because apparently my sister was sleeping with the administration guy who put people into dorms so although me and Lucy decided we wanted a shared room, we got a huge one that allows us to have a double bed each! We've been at parties every night, and so far I've been referred as "Hot Mel's equally as hot little sister" approximately 56436564 times ...

"Chris has text me" I tell Lucy as I flop down on my bed.

"Oooo saying what?" she asks flopping down next to me, turning on her side to face me.

"Hey beautiful, just on my way to college. I miss you so much, have fun, facetime soon? I love you x" I read out loud.

"Boy has it badddddd" she chuckles, "He'll forget all about you in a few weeks of college" I eyeball her, "Babe I don't mean FORGET, I just mean he'll move on, how can he forget all the amazing sex you've given him" I playfully slap her. "Oi bitch, anyway have you spoken to he who shall not be named?"

I groan and flip on to my back, "He text me the other day and he tried to get JC to call me, he needs to give up now. I'm not being played, I'm going to have fun whilst in college!" I declare.

"That's my girrrrlllll" she grins.

"Knock knoccckkkkkk" my sister sings from my door, opening it, "what are your plans for tonight?" she gets onto the bed next to me.

"No plans, up for something though" Lucy replies.

"Okay, there's a party about 15 minutes away from here, open invite, I'll get Joey to come pick you both up about 9ish?" she says inspecting her nails.

"Joey?" I question.

"Yup, he's got the hot's for you! Brown haired, facial hair, tattoos ... you know the one?" she grins at me.

"Oh yeah I know the one, he's pretty cute" I laugh.

"FINALLY" Lucy shrieks, "Kayla actually finds someone attractive!"


"Okay, Mel's just text me, Joey's on his way" I call to Lucy who's perfecting her make up in the mirror.

"I'll be a few minutes, are you ready?" she asks not taking her eyes off herself.

"Just about" I knock back the drinks we've been having, "Not going to lie, I'm a bit drunk!"

"That's good, we've got 3 days until we start college, let's make the most of it!" she shoves her feet in her heels, and I push my phone down my bra. "Let's goooo" we link arms and head out of our room.

My sister hangs out of the car and waves, as we slide in.

"Hey" me and Lucy chorus.

"Hiya" Joey smiles round at me and Lucy nudges me in my side.

The rest of the journey goes pretty quietly, Joey's got some music playing so we're all humming until we pull up outside a big house. The music's pumping as we walk through the open door, someone pushes a red cup into my hand, I take a sip and it's apple vodka. My sister motions for me to follow her so we join her in a room where everyone's stood round a table playing drinking games. Before long, I'm very drunk and suddenly Lucy and I are agreeing to play spin the bottle. We're sat in a circle, I'm in between my sister and Lucy.

"Soooo, the rule of the game is you HAVE to do it, otherwise it's no fun, so anyone who doesn't like the rule, FUCK OFF" the guys who's talking laughs, "Let the fun begin" he spins the bottle which lands on some guy, "Okay Leo, I dare you to kisssssssss blonde bombshell" he points to Lucy. Lucy shrugs and moves over to Leo and kisses him, everyone cheers and Lucy sites back down next to me, "he's a pretty good kisser," she whispers to me, I laugh and clink glasses with her, drinking some more.

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